Volvolus | Pain small intestine


Furthermore, twisting of the intestine can cause severe pain due to interruption of the blood supply. This is called volvolus. This can lead to intestinal obstruction or even the destruction of the affected tissue.

Such a volvolus can occur both acutely and chronically. Acute intestinal rotation is accompanied by vomiting, shock, peritonitis and a bloated upper abdomen.A chronically recurrent volvolus leads to malabsorption symptoms, constipation and unspecific abdominal pain. This symptomatic phase can also be interrupted by symptom-free intervals.

The therapy consists of surgical restoration of the original anatomical position of the small intestine section. Especially in case of an acute rotation of the small bowel segment, surgery is urgently indicated as soon as possible to avoid the loss of the bowel segment. A chronic volvolus can be surgically fixed on an experimental basis in order to avoid renewed twisting of the bowel.


Invagination leads to similar symptoms as the volvolus. However, the small intestine does not become twisted, but instead a section of the intestine is invaginated along the longitudinal axis of the intestine. Here too, the blood supply to the intestine is interrupted and the symptoms of an acute intestinal obstruction occur.

Infants up to the age of two are particularly frequently affected. In the acute case of an intussusception, sudden cramp-like abdominal pain, vomiting and paleness occur. A very shrill crying of the infants and tightening of the legs is also typical.

In adults, these symptoms often develop rather slowly in the form of a chronic intestinal obstruction. In both children and adults, surgery is the main focus. The affected section of the small intestine should be loosened.

If a part of the intestine has died due to the interruption of the blood supply, it must be removed. As a rule, an intussusception does not occur more than once, so that in most cases patients do not have to expect a new intussusception after the operation.