What are functional standards?


While ideal norms quantify the best possible and statistical norms the average, functional norms characterize the individual norm of individual athletes. Stubborn adherence to statistical norms can lead to negative effects in the individual form. Example: Body posture by Michael Johnson.

In everyday training, it is all about finding the functional norm of an athlete. Functional norms are minimum requirements for the individual athlete. The functional norm adapts to the training condition.

Determination of the functional standard

In contrast to the statistical norm, the functional norm cannot be quantified. It can only be perceived subjectively. Through “years of” training and experimentation, the functional norm can be felt.

Functional standards and ideal standards

Since ideal norms are often raised based on the performance of the world’s best athletes, these ideal norms are in fact functional norms. For these athletes, ideal standards = functional standards.

Functional standard and statistical standard

To what extent are differences between the functional standard and the statistical standard still tolerable?

For the training practice

Individual functional standards are crucial for long-term, successful training planning and training control. The functional norms are obtained on the basis of determined findings of the individual case. The provision of complete ideal and statistical standards is therefore an important task of training science.