Health care

Definition- What is health care? Health care is the term used to describe measures designed to maintain and improve the health of the individual and to prevent the development of possible diseases. Concretely the health care covers thus for example preventive medical checkups for the early recognition of diseases or offers for the improvement of … Health care

At what age should I start a health care program? | Health care

At what age should I start a health care program? Health care begins, as it is already indicated from the previous sections, already before the birth. In order to maintain and improve the health on a long-term basis it is naturally advisable to begin as early as possible with the appropriate health care and to … At what age should I start a health care program? | Health care

Single periodization vs. double periodization | Principle of periodization

Single periodization vs. double periodization Depending on the type of sport/discipline, a distinction is made between single and double periodization. Both have advantages and disadvantages: Disadvantages of double periodization: Advantages of double periodization: This topic may also be of interest to you: The principle of progressive load The 1st competition period disturbs the training rhythm … Single periodization vs. double periodization | Principle of periodization

Nutrition and Fitness | Fitness

Nutrition and Fitness In fact, nutrition influences our fitness more than many people think. A healthy diet recommends a composition of 45% carbohydrates, 30% fats (of which 10% each of saturated fats, monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats) and 25% protein. Competitive athletes, for example marathon runners, have a significantly increased carbohydrate requirement, while strength athletes … Nutrition and Fitness | Fitness


Synonyms in the broadest sense fitness training, strength training, endurance training, health-oriented fitness training, health, physical fitness, english: physical fitness Definition Generally, fitness is defined as the ability of a person to live and perform intended actions. In the Duden, the term fitness is reduced to the physiological aspect and is regarded as good physical … Fitness

Goals of the fitness training | Fitness

Goals of the fitness training The following goals can be achieved with targeted fitness training: Optimization of the cardiovascular system through targeted endurance training Training of the musculature Maintaining mobility through targeted stretching Maintain dexterity through coordination training Compensate for nervous stress with targeted relaxation techniques. Fitness and strength training Due to the increasing mechanization … Goals of the fitness training | Fitness

Fitness and endurance training | Fitness

Fitness and endurance training Targeted endurance training is indisputably the most important factor in fitness training. The improvement of endurance not only has a positive effect on performance, but also prevents degenerative cardiovascular diseases. These are among the most common diseases in the western world and occupy first place in the death statistics. Abstinence from … Fitness and endurance training | Fitness

Stretching and Fitness | Fitness

Stretching and Fitness Besides strength, endurance and speed, mobility is a sub-area of conditional abilities and must therefore be included in every conditional training plan. Through targeted stretching, positive adaptation effects on the organism can be achieved. However, stretching is a controversial topic in sports science and current knowledge can soon be overtaken by new … Stretching and Fitness | Fitness