What Causes Diarrhea?

Diarrhea can occur not only on vacation and travel, but also at home. One speaks of diarrhea or diarrhea when there are more than three to four watery stools per day.

Common causes of diarrhea

  • Gastrointestinal infections
  • Previous antibiotic therapy
  • Bacterial food contamination
  • Food allergy
  • Stress, anxiety

Diarrhea is a sensible and natural reaction of our body to quickly eliminate harmful substances. The big problem with diarrhea is the loss of water and electrolytes, because the intestine does not have enough time to recover water, nutrients and salts. Regardless of the cause of the intestinal illness, the lost fluid must be replaced immediately. Children and people with underlying diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys or metabolism (e.g. diabetes mellitus) are primarily at risk. But electrolytes also need to be replaced. Especially for young children, infants and the elderly, an acute electrolyte deficiency can quickly become threatening.

Tips for treatment

  • The most important rule is – replace fluids! Drink at least two and a half liters every day.
  • Minerals can be replaced again with special electrolyte solutions from the pharmacy.
  • If you have severe diarrhea, you should not eat anything at the beginning; for milder illnesses, you can eat whatever you have an appetite for.
  • Rest and warmth are often helpful.

When should the doctor be consulted?

  • If the symptoms are very severe or do not subside after 3 days.
  • If there is blood in the stool or the diarrhea is accompanied by high fever or severe general ill feeling.
  • When a young child has diarrhea
  • If you also have other diseases

Medication for diarrhea

  • Tablets with tannins seal the inflamed intestinal mucosa.
  • Yeast preparations inhibit the growth of harmful germs.
  • Adsorbents such as activated carbon, kaolin or silica bind the harmful substances that cause diarrhea.
  • Loperamide is given for particularly severe diarrhea and only for a short time. The effect is via attenuation of intestinal movement.
  • Herbal preparations with Uzara root also help with diarrhea.