What do I do in case of a burn? | First aid for babies

What do I do in case of a burn?

Burns are among the most painful injuries. There are many possible causes. Infants are often burned by too warm bath water, hot water bottles or warm food.

Infants burn themselves on irons or boiling water because they cannot assess the danger. In the case of minor burns, which show as reddening of the skin, a cooling ointment and careful skin care is often sufficient. As a first measure, cooling with water is also useful for pain relief.

However, as soon as blistering is visible, a doctor should be consulted. For larger areas, such as after scalding with boiling water, the rescue service should be called. Parents can cover the burns with sterile bandages and should omit a therapy with ointments. Cooling is also not recommended for larger wounds, as children cool down quickly.

What happens in a first aid course for babies?

Basically the contents of a first aid course for babies are very similar to those for adults. It is about learning and training the basic measures that save lives in acute emergency situations. The course instructors deal with accidents and emergencies specific to babies and infants and discuss how the helper should behave in such situations.Some measures are different from those for adults in emergency situations.

During ventilation, the volume of the lungs is significantly smaller and the cardiac massage is also slightly modified. This is trained on special baby dummies and child dummies. First aid for swallowing is also slightly modified.

In many courses, preventive measures are also discussed to avoid typical accidents in this age group. These include advice on a safe sleeping environment and possible household aids, such as stove grids and socket fuses. Most of the course instructors also respond to individual questions from parents and have time to discuss desired topics. Some aid organizations also come to kindergartens and other institutions by appointment to offer courses on site.