Diagnosis | Pain in the HWS

Diagnosis In order to make an accurate diagnosis of the cause of cervical spine pain, it is important for the treating physician to know the patient’s medical history. From this information he can then draw the right conclusions for further diagnostic measures such as X-rays, MRI images or a blood count. Furthermore, the doctor can … Diagnosis | Pain in the HWS

Pain in the HWS

Pain in the cervical spine in the area of the neck is probably known by almost everyone. This can be a pulling, a feeling of pain, a restriction of movement or a feeling of tension similar to a sore muscle. The causes and duration of the problems vary, but those affected often feel severely restricted … Pain in the HWS

Pain in the cervical spine when swallowing | Pain in the HWS

Pain in the cervical spine when swallowing An example of such an additional symptom is pain in the neck area when chewing or swallowing. The swallowing process itself is a complex interaction of nerves and muscles in the mouth, throat and esophagus. Part of the swallowing is conscious, which means you have control over the … Pain in the cervical spine when swallowing | Pain in the HWS

Sore throat when swallowing

Introduction Particularly in the winter time hardly anybody is spared: Sore throat surely everyone had already once in its life. Thereby a painful inflammation in the throat and pharynx occurs, which is partly accompanied by swallowing difficulties and hoarseness. Sore throat can occur alone or with other complaints, depending on the cause. Causes of sore … Sore throat when swallowing