What does the Perfect Nap Actually Look Like?

Especially in the Mediterranean countries, the siesta has tradition, but also here in the country is often held a short nap. But what does the perfect nap look like and what should you keep in mind? Read our tips for the ideal power nap here!


A siesta is relaxing and simply good for many people. The best time for a short nap is between 1 and 2 pm, because at this time our circulation becomes more unstable and our performance sags. The error rate at work therefore increases rapidly at this time of day.

Tips for the perfect midday nap

The perfect nap should last a maximum of 30 minutes. If it lasts longer, our body has difficulty getting going again. In addition, it can then lead to problems falling asleep in the evening. A cup of coffee before falling asleep makes you feel fit again after a nap. It takes effect after 30 minutes, which is exactly when you want to wake up anyway.

People who need a quiet environment to fall asleep should create one for themselves. It’s best to turn off lights, close doors, and make sure the phone doesn’t jolt you out of sleep. It is also important to take a comfortable position while sleeping, so it is best to find a lounger or a comfortable chair. After the short nap, you should loll, stretch and wash your face cold to get fit again.

Taking a nap at work?

In some large U.S. companies, rest rooms with recliners are made available to workers. The siesta at work is called “power napping” and boosts the productivity of workers, who typically lose more and more concentration around lunchtime.

Does napping reduce heart attack risk?

Taking a siesta not only makes you fit, it also reportedly reduces the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. It is assumed that during the short nap in between, the stress hormones can be reduced significantly faster. These normally lead to inflammatory processes in the vascular system, increasing the risk of heart attack.