This Helps against Varicose Veins!

Varicose veins (varices) are permanently dilated veins. If many such veins have formed, one speaks of varicosis. Varicose veins are often genetically predisposed, but a thrombosis is also a possible cause. The first symptoms may be tired, aching or swollen legs and spider veins. Later, blue, tortuous veins often show through under the skin. If varicose veins are present, they often have to be removed. Which treatment is considered depends, among other things, on the severity of the disease. We present various treatment methods and reveal how you can prevent varicose veins.

Causes of varicose veins

Varicose veins are not uncommon – more than 50 percent of all Germans suffer from dilated veins in the course of their lives. Most often they occur on the legs. In addition, however, varicose veins also form more often in the esophagus (esophageal varices). They are caused by increased pressure in the portal vein, as is the case with cirrhosis of the liver. Overall, men are significantly less likely to be affected by varicose veins than women. If dilated veins form in men, then in addition to the legs, the testicles are also more often affected. A varicose vein on the testicles should always be examined by a doctor, as in the worst case it can lead to infertility. In general, varicose veins can have many different causes. Depending on the cause, a distinction is made between primary and secondary varicosis.

Primary varicosis

In about 95 percent of all cases, primary varicosis is the cause of varicose veins. We speak of primary varicosis when a weakness of the vein wall or connective tissue is the cause of the symptoms. Due to the weakness of the tissue, the valves in the veins no longer close properly and the blood can no longer be transported without problems. If the blood sinks into the veins, they dilate and unsightly varicose veins develop. In addition to genetic predisposition, there are many other factors that can increase the risk of developing varicose veins:

  • Female sex
  • Increasing age
  • Pregnancy
  • Lack of exercise
  • Overweight
  • Standing professional activity
  • Tight clothing
  • Taking birth control pills

Secondary varicosis

If varicose veins develop as a result of deep vein thrombosis, it is called secondary varicosis. Due to the occlusion of the deep vein, the blood must find a new path through the superficial venous system. Depending on the length and severity of the overload, the venous valves can be permanently damaged. As a result, the blood can no longer be transported as usual, but instead backs up, resulting in varicose veins. In the case of deep vein thrombosis, early diagnosis is particularly important, otherwise there is a risk of pulmonary embolism. Typical symptoms that indicate thrombosis are pain and swelling in the area of the calf. Often, the calf also feels warm or becomes discolored.

Varicose veins during pregnancy

Many women develop varicose veins during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that hormonal changes during pregnancy lead to a loosening of the muscle and connective tissue. This also affects the veins. In addition, in the course of pregnancy, the uterus puts increasing pressure on the veins in the pelvis as well as on the inferior vena cava. This increases the blood pressure in the leg veins and promotes the development of varicose veins. In general, the risk of venous insufficiency increases with the number of pregnancies.

Typical symptoms: recognizing varicose veins

Varicose veins can often be recognized directly, as they show through under the skin. The dilated veins are thick and blue and have a serpentine and nodular course. They are to be distinguished from small spider veins, which are much finer and have either a reddish or bluish color. Although spider veins are harmless in themselves, they can indicate weak veins. Therefore, spider veins should always be examined by a doctor. If varicose veins are not visible at first glance, the following symptoms may indicate venous weakness:

  • Heavy, tired and aching legs can be an indication of varicose veins.
  • After prolonged sitting or standing, the legs are also often swollen.
  • Typically, the symptoms worsen in the evening and in warm temperatures.
  • By elevating and cooling the legs, the pain and swelling can usually be alleviated.

Possible complications

If you suspect that you have a vein condition, you should see a doctor. It is best to consult a vein specialist – a so-called phlebologist. He or she can determine whether you actually have varicose veins and then initiate appropriate therapy. If varicose veins are not treated in time, they can lead to serious complications. For example, phlebitis can occur, which in turn can lead to the formation of a blood clot. If varicose vein disease progresses further, swelling in the legs (edema) occurs more and more frequently. This is due to the fact that the blood volume in the veins increases and therefore fluid is pressed into surrounding tissue. Eczema – inflammatory irritation of the skin – can also occur. Years of irritation of the skin can result in dark discoloration, scarring and, in the worst case, an open leg.