What is the “cadaveric poison” in a dead tooth? | Dead tooth

What is the “cadaveric poison” in a dead tooth?

The outdated term “cadaveric poison” describes substances that are secreted from a dead tooth by the metabolism of bacteria in the dead tissue. The nerve and blood vessels within the root canals have been destroyed by stimuli such as caries or trauma and bacteria metabolize these cell remains.Thereby the so-called “cadaveric poison” is created: Toxins that are released into the organism. These include thioether compounds, mercaptans and biogenic amines.

These substances are discredited for causing not only inflammation but also systemic diseases. However, these theses are highly controversial. Naturopaths attribute carcinogenic effects to this cadaveric poison, but this has never been proven in studies.

From a medical point of view, there is also nothing to support this claim, as these toxins are produced in many normal metabolic pathways within the body and in many nutrients such as fish or garlic and are simply excreted. Therefore, the term “cadaveric poison” has not been scientifically proven. However, it can be said with certainty that dead teeth must be freed from the dead tissue with a root canal treatment, otherwise there is a risk of spreading inflammation and the formation of cysts or abscesses, which as a complication can always develop into a life-threatening blood poisoning (=sepsis).