What remuneration do you receive if you care for a relative? | Level of care 3

What remuneration do you receive if you care for a relative?

People in need of care are allowed to decide whether they want to be cared for at home by family or friends or in inpatient facilities such as a nursing home by professional caregivers. If a patient with care level 3 is cared for at home, the care insurance companies grant the caring relatives or friends a remuneration, the so-called care allowance. If a relative cares for a person in need of care with care grade 3, he or she receives 545€ care allowance per month.

How do I make the application?

You can apply for a degree of care in several ways. One possibility is to call the responsible nursing insurance company. The nursing care insurance companies are located at the health insurance companies.

This means that if I am insured with the TK or AOK, I will find my nursing care insurance there. You can call your health insurance company and get connected with the nursing care insurance company. In a conversation with an employee of the nursing insurance company, the application for a degree of nursing care can be made orally.

You can also send an informal application to the nursing care insurance company by mail. The letter should include the name of the person in need of care, his or her address and insurance number and, for example, the following sentence: “I, XY, hereby apply for the benefits of the nursing care insurance and request a short-term assessment. “.

The letter can be signed by the insured or his or her authorized representative and sent to the health insurance company or nursing care insurance company. If the letter is sent to the responsible health insurance company, they will forward the document to the responsible care insurance company. There is also the possibility of seeking help from a care centre.

This can be found in many cities in Germany. There are staff at a care support center who help with the application. Our next article could also be of interest to you: Degrees of care in dementiaThe application for a degree of care is sent to the responsible care insurance fund.

The nursing care insurance funds are carriers of the social nursing care insurance and are registered with the health insurance companies of the same name. Persons in need of care or their authorized representatives can apply for the degree of care by mail or telephone to the care insurance company or health insurance fund. The health insurance company can easily connect you with the responsible care insurance company or forward documents such as the application.