When can my child go back to the KitaKindergartenSchule? | This is how long a scarlet fever usually lasts

When can my child go back to the KitaKindergartenSchule?

Children should not attend kindergarten or daycare until all symptoms of the disease have subsided. This includes both body erythema and fever. As a rule, the child can therefore attend kindergarten again after about a week. If the parents decide against antibiotic treatment for any reason, it can take up to three weeks until the symptoms have subsided.

When can I do sports again?

This depends on the physical condition of the patient after the symptoms have subsided. From a medical point of view, it is advisable to give the body a few days’ rest after the illness has been overcome. In case of doubt, however, only light sports should be taken, which do not place extreme demands on the body.

It is not known whether there is a direct correlation between the occurrence of late complications and an early commencement of sporting activity. As a rule, however, the body reports back to the person doing the sport – whether he or she feels ready for the sport or would rather take a break – provided that the body is not outwitted by the intake of fever-reducing or pain-relieving substances.