What helps against the complaints? | Toothache with sinusitis

What helps against the complaints?

For sinusitis (the cause of toothache) onion sacs can be used as a home remedy. To do this, chop one or two onions and heat them up in the microwave, for example. Chew the onions that are no longer hot or wrap them in a cotton cloth or kitchen towel and hold them to your ears.

The heat and the essential oils in the onion cause the mucus to dissolve and the inflammation to be inhibited. You can also work with other essential oils, such as pine needle, eucalyptus or mint oil in steam baths. However, this should be avoided in children under two years of age.

Even in older children, essential oils should be used with caution and only after consulting a doctor. It is important to remember that home remedies should always be an additional measure and if the inflammation does not subside within a normal time frame, medical advice must be sought. There are four homeopathic preparations that can be used preferentially for sinusitis.

If you are uncertain which preparation should be taken in your individual situation, you can consult an experienced physician.

  • Potassium bichromicum is recommended when the mucus is rather thick and viscous and the pain improves in fresh air.
  • Another remedy is loofah, which is effective for purulent inflammations, which are also associated with headaches in the forehead area and dry mouth.
  • The preparations Pulsatilla and Mercurius vivus are recommended for sinusitis with chills or pain above the eye region.

For the pain therapy of a sinusitis, common painkillers are normally sufficient. Possible preparations are for example paracetamol or ibuprofen.

If ibuprofen is taken for a longer period of time, the additional intake of a stomach protector (proton pump inhibitor, such as pantoprazole) should be considered in order to reduce the risk of a stomach ulcer (ulcer). In addition, care should be taken not to take more than the maximum dose of the medication. For paracetamol this is 4g and for ibuprofen 2.400 mg per day.

Further restrictions are added in patients with deteriorated kidney function. The instructions of the treating physician and pharmacist should be followed. Special attention should be paid to the mucus solution in the case of sinusitis so that it can drain away.

This measure alone can alleviate a number of symptoms. In order for the mucus to liquefy, a sufficient amount of drinking water should be ensured. Two liters per day is a good guideline during the illness.

Various herbal teas are available, which also have a decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect. Examples of these are peppermint or chamomile tea. Fresh ginger tea also has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Furthermore, you can do nasal rinsing with salt water twice a day to further loosen the secretion. Steam inhalations are not only recommended for sinusitis, but also for simple colds.The warm and humid steam soothes irritated mucous membranes and moistens the respiratory tract. If you are not prone to allergies, you can also add thyme sprigs to the hot water bath. An alternative would be to add some table salt to the water.