Which home remedies help with bursitis? | Bursitis of the shoulder

Which home remedies help with bursitis?

The average bursitis often does not require any drug or surgical therapy. In addition to being gentle, conventional home remedies in particular can help to alleviate the symptoms and, in some cases, to reduce inflammation. In addition to protection, cooling is also a good option in the acute phase.

In the case of long-standing inflammation, warming the area can help. Herbal remedies such as ginger, castor oil or vinegar can promote pain relief and anti-inflammatory effects in various ways. Quark compresses can be used as a supporting measure.

They are especially helpful in cases of irritation and mild inflammation of the bursa as a supporting household remedy when medication does not seem necessary. The curd compresses can relieve pain and have a positive influence on the inflammation through various mechanisms. On the one hand, quark cools the skin directly, which inhibits the inflammatory activity and reduces pain sensitivity.

The cooling effect can also reduce swelling and effusions and reduce tissue damage in the acute phase. In addition, ingredients of the quark in the body are said to stimulate the metabolism and have anti-inflammatory effects. In order for the effect of the quark compresses to last, they must be renewed approximately every 15 minutes.

Which exercises can help?

In the treatment of bursitis of the shoulder, both simple exercises and handles of manual therapy can relieve and prevent pain. Under no circumstances should the exercises be performed too early, otherwise irritation and inflammation can worsen. Physiotherapy promotes the build-up of the shoulder muscles and corrects incorrect posture/ incorrect movements.

An example of an exercise would be to clamp a teraband at home in the top of a closed door. Then stand sideways to the door and stretch the band while stretching your arm until you touch your hip. This strengthens the adductor muscles, which has a positive effect on the tightness under the acromion.

Furthermore, while sitting at your desk, you can wipe a small towel away from you with one arm and repeat this movement. This mobilizes the arm a little bit from the shoulder joint, which helps to relieve complaints like frozen shoulder. Finally, you can take a Teraband in both hands with elbows applied and forearms stretched out forward. Then rotate both arms away from the body while pulling against the Teraband with the elbows still in place. This also loosens the tightness in the shoulder joint, which leads to problems such as bursitis.