Knot in the armpit | Inflammation of the armpit – How dangerous is that?

Knot in the armpit

Nodules in the armpit area can have various causes – both benign and malignant causes are possible. If a lump in the armpit is felt, a visit to a doctor is recommended to clarify the cause. In many cases a simple infection with a virus is the cause of the lump.

Infections with Ebstein-Barr virus can also lead to nodes in the armpit area. The nodes are lymph nodes that swell in the course of the immune response. Typically, the lymph nodes hurt when pressure is applied to them.

Another common and benign cause of axillary nodules is furunculosis, which is a painful inflammation of the hair follicle. Unfortunately, malignant diseases of the blood, lymphatic system and various organs can also lead to the formation of nodes in the armpit. Such nodes are also swollen lymph nodes.

In most cases they are not painful and, unlike infectious diseases, they are not reddened. In malignant diseases of the lymphatic system, such as lymphoma, accompanying symptoms such as fever, night sweats and weight loss are typical.Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit are a possible indication of breast cancer in the affected side for women. However, it must be emphasized that malignant diseases such as cancer are the much rarer cause of nodes in the armpit area than benign diseases such as viral infections.

Occurrence during pregnancy

Inflammation of the axilla is also possible during pregnancy. In principle, the same causes, such as slight injuries during shaving, abscesses or hair follicle inflammation, can be responsible for the inflammation in the armpit during pregnancy. Painfully swollen lymph nodes can also indicate a viral infection during pregnancy, but this is not necessarily a cause for concern.

Inflammation in the breast area, especially at the end of pregnancy and while breastfeeding, can also lead to inflammation and swelling in the armpit area. In most cases, these are also swollen lymph nodes in the armpit. If you have pain and inflammation in the armpit, as a pregnant woman you should first keep calm: Mostly it is a harmless cause like a slight inflammation caused by shaving. Nevertheless, you should see your gynecologist and have the inflamed or swollen area examined and advised.