Wick medications against colds

This active ingredient is in vicks

When is Vicks used?

The medication is suitable for use in cold symptoms.

Typical areas of use are:

  • Irritative cough
  • @ cold
  • nasal congestion
  • hoarseness
  • aching limbs
  • headache
  • sore throat
  • slight fever
  • thick mucus in the lungs

What are the side effects of Vicks?

In general, the medicines are well tolerated, but side effects may still occur, which can vary depending on the medication and ingredients.

Medicines containing paracetamol or ephedrine (for example Wick MediNait) may cause liver failure (because of paracetamol) or addiction (because of ephedrine) in case of overdose.

If you suffer from severe side effects or side effects not mentioned, always consult a doctor.

You should be aware of the following when using Vicks

The Wick family includes numerous products for the treatment of cold symptoms. There are ointments, sprays, effervescent tablets, tablets and capsules for coughs, colds, sore throats and other symptoms associated with a cold or flu.

Most medicines require a minimum age for safe use. Medicines are often suitable for children from the age of twelve, some from as early as two years (Wick VapoRub and Wick Ambroxol expectorant for children) or as early as nine months (Wick Vapospray Baby & Kind). Many medicines for the common cold (inhaler pen N) are suitable for use in children as young as six years.

How to get Wick

All Wick Pharma medicines are available over the counter at pharmacies.

Complete information about this drug

Here you can find the complete information about the drug as a download (PDF)