Wide back muscle


Latin: Musculus latissimus dorsi German: broad back muscle


Base: Small hump ridge of the humerus (Crista tuberculi minoris humeri) Origin: Innervation: N. thoracodorsalis, C 6 – 8

  • Vertebral part (pars vertebralis): spinous processes of the 7-12 thoracic vertebrae, as well as loins and sacral vertebrae
  • Rib part (pars costalis): 10 – 12 rib
  • Pelvic part (pars iliaca): iliac crest (crista iliaca)
  • Part of the shoulder blade (pars scapularis): lower part of the shoulder blade (Anglus inferior scapulae)

The muscle is contracted when the raised arms are pulled up. The best exercise for training the broad back muscle in weight training is therefore the For detailed information on this topic, please visit our topic back muscle training

  • Latissimus extract


This adduction, retroversion and internal rotation take place during the backswing movements of throwing and thrusting disciplines in athletics. When the arms are raised, the latissimus (M. latissimus dorsi) acts as a support for the trunk. The broad back muscle (Musculus latissimus dorsi) develops the greatest force similar to the large chest muscle after a pre-stretch.

This can be seen very well in the example of the backswing movement of a blow with an axe. The athlete kneels and supports himself with one hand on his side. The other hand is held over the body similar to the stretching exercise for the oblique abdominal muscles. The body is tilted to the side, with the upper body turned slightly inwards.