11 Activities that Burn Calories in your Everyday Life

Want to shed some pounds, but lack the time or motivation for a torturous workout at the gym? Here comes the good news: in everyday life you can consume quite a few calories quite incidentally. Did you know that you can burn about 200 kilocalories (kcal) in one hour of housework? You can burn just as many calories if you go jogging for 25 minutes. But activities like kissing or laughing also prove to be real calorie killers. Find out which everyday activities burn you how many calories.

1. laughter

Who knew burning calories could be so enjoyable? Laughter not only makes you happy, it also strengthens your immune system and boosts calorie burn. If you laugh for ten minutes throughout the day, you will burn 40 calories in the process.

2. shopping

Everyday grocery shopping is an excellent calorie killer. Pushing the shopping cart, carrying the bulging grocery bags and putting away the groceries will burn up to 250 calories in 30 minutes. But remember, someone who has to lug three cases of drinks up to the fourth floor has a much higher calorie burn than someone who takes a half-full shopping basket up to the 1st floor in the elevator.

3. ironing

Ironing is not one of the most popular household activities. But maybe you’ll enjoy it more if you know that 30 minutes of ironing will burn almost 100 calories? After all, you can save yourself about ten minutes on the cross trainer – and kill two birds with one stone.

4. vacuuming

Declare war on your dirty floors and your fitness will thank you. Half-hour vacuuming or floor mopping uses 110 calories each.

5. cleaning windows

Cleaning windows proves to be a great way to get rid of unnecessary pounds, consuming 150 calories per 30 minutes. At the same time, you will exercise the muscles in your arms and chest.

6. kissing

Who does not like it – the most beautiful minor matter in the world. An intense kiss of just one minute already consumes 20 calories. But with a kiss it often does not remain. So lustfully as with the love play one can burn 300 calories in a half hour probably with no other activity.

7. cooking

Also around food can get rid of some calories. Sounds paradoxical? Who swings the pots for half an hour, cuts the vegetables and sets the table, burns about 75 calories. In addition, the lovingly created meal also wants to be eaten after the work is done – preferably in company. A 30-minute meal with entertainment will burn another 75 calories.

8. gardening

Gardening is highly effective. It will get your garden in shape and fill you up with oxygen and sunlight. In no time you will not only get rid of weeds in the garden, but also annoying pounds: planting shrubs and flowers for half an hour consumes about 150 calories.

9. playing with children

If you have small children, you can certainly sing a song about the fact that the little rascals can keep you quite busy. Toddlers want to be carried, changed and cuddled. Older children often challenge parents to play soccer, do crafts or romp around together. This is how you burn 130 to 160 calories per half hour, depending on the activity.

10. climbing stairs

Stair climbing is one of the best calorie killers in everyday life. If you climb stairs for ten minutes throughout the day, you will burn a full 85 calories and also tone your legs and butt. That’s why you should avoid comfortable elevators or escalators and walk instead. By the way, if you take two steps at a time while climbing the stairs, you’ll burn as many as 92 calories in 10 minutes, according to one study.

11. thinking

Not only physical activities consume calories. Mental work also requires a lot of energy. Half an hour of strained thinking burns 45 calories. It is not for nothing that playing chess is also called a mental sport or brain jogging.

Table: calorie consumption in everyday life

But there are other activities in everyday life around housework and Co. where you can successfully burn calories on the side.The following table shows you how many calories you burn in everyday life (calculated for 30 minutes each and a person weighing about 70 kilograms):

Activity Calorie consumption
Sleep 54 kcal
Phone call (sitting) 42 kcal
Washing up 75 kcal
Scrub tiles 140 kcal
Car wash 150 kcal
Mowing lawn 120 kcal
Clean up 90 kcal

Burn more calories in everyday life: Here’s how!

You want to increase your calorie consumption in everyday life? Then try the following tips:

  1. Walk short distances whenever possible. Whether it’s the walk to the bakery or a short walk during your lunch break: walking burns more calories than driving.
  2. A good trick: always park a little further away or get off a bus stop before your actual destination: So you can easily integrate a few extra steps into your daily routine.
  3. Cycling is also a healthy alternative where you can burn calories.
  4. Take the stairs: you should avoid elevators and escalators if possible.
  5. You want to tell a colleague in the next room something? Then rather times do not reach for the phone, but go over yourself.
  6. Cook yourself! This is not only healthier than ready-made meals, but also has the advantage, unlike going to a restaurant or delivered food, that you consume calories while cooking.
  7. The household calls? Great! Just think of it as a sports program and tackle the tasks peppy. Maybe even with some music? Because when dancing you consume extra calories.