Duration of the side effect | Lyrica®

Duration of the side effect

The occurrence and duration of side effects vary significantly from patient to patient. The side effects listed in the package insert can also be attributed to the interaction with other drugs or to the corresponding underlying disease. Normally, the side effects last for the duration of the therapy and only occasionally subside somewhat in the course of the treatment.

For this reason, a replacement therapy should be discussed with the treating physician in case of severe side effects. After discontinuing treatment with Lyrica®, the symptoms usually subside again within a short time. In some cases, side effects occurring after discontinuation of the drug can be confused with withdrawal symptoms.


Besides the use of Lyrica® for neuropathic pain and epilepsy, it is also used in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorders. In the treatment of anxiety disorders they represent an alternative to the antidepressants and benzodiazepines traditionally used. Generalized anxiety disorders are long-lasting and difficult to treat anxiety states.

Patients often show generalized anxiety, tension, fatigue, concentration and sleep disorders, and severe irritability. Only in rare cases does the patient report anxiety directly. The advantage of Lyrica® over the antidepressants and benzodiazepines used is a lower dependence potential, a weaker sleep-inducing effect and a faster onset of action. In addition, the sometimes very serious side effects of the above-mentioned drugs (initial increase in anxiety, sexual dysfunction) can be circumvented by therapy with Lyrica®. For this reason, one should always discuss the benefits and risks of the individual drugs with the treating physician.

Withdrawal of Lyrica

Typical withdrawal symptoms may occur after discontinuing Lyrica®. These withdrawal symptoms occur in a dose-dependent manner – which means that especially high-dose Lyrica® therapy results in increased symptoms. Many different symptoms have already been reported.

While some patients complain of sleep disorders, sweating, headaches and nausea, other patients experience nervousness, depression, cramps and typical flu symptoms. When Lyrica® is used to treat epilepsy, there may be an increased incidence of epileptic seizures when the drug is discontinued. To minimize or avoid the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms, the drug should be dosed gradually. This means that the dose should be gradually reduced over a period of time until the drug is no longer needed. This gradual dosing should always be done under the supervision of a physician.