Side effects | Lyrica®

Side effects

Lyrica® is in most cases a well tolerated drug. The most common side effects are mild to moderate drowsiness and drowsiness (>1/10). In addition (>1/100 and < 1/10): Apart from undesirable effects of the active ingredient pregabalin, Lyrica®, like any drug, can trigger an allergic reaction.

This is particularly manifested by swelling, e.g. in the face or neck area, or extensive reddening of the skin. Lyrica®, or the active ingredient pregabalin, can also cause a whole range of side effects. This can be attributed to the fact that pregabalin imitates the brain‘s own messenger substance, which performs important functions.

Particularly dangerous and therefore worthy of emphasis are visual disturbances and states of dizziness which can lead to accidents. Among the frequent undesirable effects of Lyrica® are many forms of changes in consciousness and feelings, e.g. for other, less frequent side effects, please refer to the Lyrica® package insert. If side effects occur, a doctor or pharmacist should be consulted (not only, but especially if they are serious or very distressing).

  • Increased appetite, weight gain
  • Confusion, irritability, decreased libido (sexual potency), euphoria
  • Blurred vision
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Swindle
  • Dry mouth, constipation, vomiting, flatulence (flatulence)
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Edema (water retention), drunkenness, tiredness, gait disorders
  • Muscle aches
  • Weight Loss
  • Euphoria
  • Disorientation
  • Decreasing attention
  • Irritability
  • Memory disorders
  • Memory loss
  • Joint Pain
  • Sore throat

An occasional side effect of Lyrica® is weight loss, which affects about one in a hundred people.

This is caused by the increasing development of a loss of appetite during the course of therapy. However, the exact mechanism is not yet known. The far more frequent side effect of therapy with Lyrica is the occurrence of weight gain.

Frequently, weight gain occurs in the course of therapy with Lyrica® and affects about one in ten people. According to a study conducted, approximately 10% of patients gain at least 7% of their body weight within the first three months. This weight gain occurs mainly at the beginning of therapy and at high dosage (600 mg).

The exact mechanism is also still unclear – an association with an increased appetite is suspected. Weight gain varies from patient to patient. According to patient reports, weight gain varies between ten and twenty kilograms.

After discontinuing the drug, weight usually decreases slowly. In diabetic patients, the treating physician should be informed about the weight gain in order to change the dosage if necessary. The side effects of Lyrica® therapy often manifest themselves in the eyes.

About one in ten patients is affected by this circumstance. Many patients report blurred vision and the appearance of double vision. Dry, swollen eyes and pain in the eye area are also possible.

Some patients also report unusual eye movements and impaired reflexes. After discontinuing Lyrica Therapy®, the side effects usually subside or disappear completely. The side effects on the eye should be considered when working or driving and should be discussed with the treating physician.

Another side effect that occasionally occurs is muscular discomfort. One in a hundred patients is affected. The classic leading symptom is the occurrence of pain in the extremities (arms and legs) and back. In addition, muscle cramps and muscle twitches are possible. Many patients also complain about stiffness of the muscles, which can make many movements considerably more difficult.