Should the abscess be punctured / opened by yourself? | Oral abscess

Should the abscess be punctured / opened by yourself?

Under no circumstances should a mouth abscess be punctured or opened on its own. Even if the person affected thinks it is only a minor matter and observes various hygiene measures, it is not possible for the person to assess and control the risk of the inflammation worsening. This can lead to unforeseeable complications with irreversible consequences.

The inflammation can expand and spread uncontrollably. This can prolong and complicate the healing process immensely. If necessary, permanent paralysis of the face or other irreversible damage can result. In addition, blood poisoning can develop, which can be fatal if left untreated. A mouth abscess should therefore always be examined and treated by a doctor.

How dangerous is an abscess in the oral cavity?

If an oral abscess is not treated, it can lead to dangerous complications. Depending on where it is located in the mouth, the abscess can, for example, cause tooth loss, damage to the chewing muscles and/or affect certain nerves in the oral cavity. An untreated abscess can also degenerate into life-threatening blood poisoning. However, if an oral abscess is treated adequately and promptly, the risk of complications is very low. This may also be of interest to you: Treatment of sepsis

Treatment and therapy

Possibilities for the treatment of abscesses are on the one hand the use of antibiotics and on the other hand a surgical intervention. Only a physician can assess which measure has to be taken. In some cases, the use of a specific pulling ointment for the oral area is helpful.

If the abscess is detected early enough, often only a small incision under local anaesthetic is required. In very serious cases the local anaesthetic is not sufficient, so that a short anaesthetic is recommended. This is discussed orally and in writing with the patient.

On the day of the operation, no important decisions should be made, no machines should be operated and no cars should be driven. During the procedure, the abscess will be opened so that pus can flow out. If the abscess is already larger, it may be necessary to open the skin from the outside.

A drainage system is then usually placed so that newly formed pus can drain off directly. As a rule, a follow-up treatment with antibiotics and measures for wound healing are carried out. Regular follow-up examinations are also carried out.

If there is an underlying disease, e.g. of the teeth, this must of course be treated. Home remedies can also be used for preliminary stages of a mouth abscess. For advanced abscesses in the mouth, these can be advisable in addition to other measures.

In addition to the use of home remedies, some affected persons prefer to take homeopathic remedies. This can have a positive effect in addition to medicinal and surgical therapy. It is important that the homeopathic treatment and the use of home remedies are coordinated with the treating physician.

Home remedies can also be used in the case of preliminary stages of a mouth abscess. For advanced abscesses in the mouth, these may be advisable in addition to other measures. In addition to the use of home remedies, some patients prefer to take homeopathic remedies.

This can have a positive effect in addition to medicinal and surgical therapy. It is important that the homeopathic treatment and the use of home remedies are coordinated with the treating physician. If it is the initial stage of a mouth abscess, in some cases a pulling ointment can be effective.

This ointment is supposed to pull the pus out of the mouth abscess due to its special properties. This relieves the pressure and the abscess can heal. If a mouth abscess is already more advanced, the treatment with a traction ointment is usually not sufficient.

In some cases the intake of antibiotics in tablet form is advisable and effective. As an oral abscess is a bacterial infection, certain antibiotics can help to fight and kill the bacteria. The choice of the active ingredient depends on the pathogen.

After a surgical intervention, antibiotics are used in various ways: as infusions, in tablet form or they are applied directly to the affected area with the help of antibiotic carriers. Various home remedies are used to support the treatment of an abscess. In order to facilitate the emptying of the pus, heat in the form of a red light lamp or with the help of warm compresses may be advisable.

Warm water, chamomile or sage tea can be used for the compresses. Mouthwashes containing sea salt, sage or potassium carbonate can also have a soothing effect. To support the healing process in general, drinking nettle tea can be helpful.

In other cases, the use of onions is a tried and tested household remedy. For this purpose, a sharp onion should be chopped into small pieces and placed on the mouth abscess for about 15 minutes. If onions are well tolerated, increased consumption is recommended.

Some authors recommend garlic for gum abscesses. It is also recommended for internal use. This means that one should eat as much (in the appropriate amount) garlic as possible, as it can activate the immune system.

Alternatively, garlic capsules can be used if necessary. For local application of garlic, a clove of garlic should be crushed and placed on the affected area for 15 minutes. If well tolerated, this procedure can be repeated several times a day.

Another household remedy is clove oil. It is said to have a soothing effect on pain caused by a mouth abscess. The oil can be gently dabbed onto the painful area with a clean cotton swab.

A mixture of cloves and ginger can also be used to relieve pain. Peppermint and grapefruit extracts can also contribute to healing. In addition, a solution of sesame seeds can inhibit the pain in the mouth.

The basis for a successful treatment is not smoking and appropriate oral hygiene. The choice of remedies is made individually and according to the symptoms. For example, Silcea, Mecurius solubilis, Ledum or Hepar sulfuris are used in case of an abscess in the mouth.

For self-treatment, all active ingredients in potency C12 are recommended. As a rule, 2 – 3 globules are taken up to 4 times daily. If possible, eating and drinking should be avoided 15 minutes before and after the intake. The globules should not be swallowed directly, but should be allowed to melt in the mouth.