Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for allergies

Is there a suitable complex agent?

Active ingredients The hay fever remedies DHU tablets contain 3 active ingredients. These include Effect The hay fever remedies DHU tablets have a calming effect on the irritated mucous membranes in the area of the paranasal sinuses. This reduces the excessive reaction of the immune system to the allergenic substances.

Dosage The dosage of the tablets depends on the symptoms. For acute symptoms adults can take up to 6 tablets per day.

  • Luffa operculata D4, called sponge cucumber
  • Galphimia glauca D3, the little laburnum
  • Cardiospermum halicacabum D3, the heart seed

Active ingredients allergoLoges® drops contain a total of six homeopathic active ingredients.

These include Effect The effect of allergoLoges® drops is very broad due to the many active ingredients and focuses on the reduction of allergy symptoms. The immune system reacts less strongly to irritants such as pollen. Dosage The dosage depends on the symptoms.

For acute symptoms 5-10 drops, max. 12 times per day, are recommended.

  • Luffa operculata (sponge cucumber)
  • Hydrocotyle asiatica (water navel)
  • Galphimia glauca (Thryallis glauca)
  • Cardiospermum (heart seed)
  • Apis mellifica (honey bee)
  • Acidum formicicum (formic acid).

Active ingredients The active ingredients of Allergie-Injektopas® include Effect The Allergie-Injektopas® solution has a soothing effect on severe coughs that occur in the context of allergic reactions.

It also has an antispasmodic effect on the airways. Dosage In case of acute symptoms, 2-3 injections with 0.3ml liquid are recommended first. These can be increased to 0.6 and finally 1ml.

  • Acidum formicicum (formic acid)
  • Cuprum (metallic copper)
  • Arsenicum album (arsenic(III) oxide)

Active ingredients 5 homeopathic substances are contained in Presselin® All tablets. These include Effect The effect of Presslin® All tablets is based on the reduction of the immune system reaction to certain allergens that cause allergic symptoms. They are particularly effective in cases of bronchial asthma and hay fever.

Dosage The dosage of the tablets depends on the severity of the symptoms. For acute symptoms adults can take up to 6 tablets per day.

  • Acidum arsenicosum
  • Acidum formicum
  • Aralia racemosa
  • Cuprum aceticum
  • Lobelia inflata.