ISG complaints during pregnancy – exercises

Contrary to the general assumption that the treatment of diseases during pregnancy is only possible to a limited extent, there is a multitude of alternative therapy methods that can be applied to pregnant women without any problems. These include a series of exercises to release the blockage in the sacroiliac joint and to loosen and stabilize the surrounding structures. Most of these exercises are based on the so-called Dorn method and are performed under the guidance of an experienced physiotherapist.


1.) Stair Step Stand on a stair step with one leg on each side of the ISG blockade so that the leg is hanging loosely in the air. Now feel with your thumb the small elevations on the right and left side of the lumbar spine, under which the sacroiliac joint is located and give a slight counter pressure with your fist while swinging the leg back.

Swing the leg slowly back and forth at least 7 times. 2.) Sacrum Exercise Lie backwards on a bench or table with your buttocks slightly over the edge.

Alternatively, you can also lie on a large book. Now bend one leg in the air and move the other leg slowly and relaxed up and down. Hold on tight during the exercise and do not forget to breathe.

Do the exercise for about 30 seconds. 3.) Sacrum exercise Sit with your buttocks close to the edge of a table or bench and support your hands behind your body.

Now alternately pull the legs towards you and lower them again. Do this exercise for about 30 seconds. 4.)

Mobilization of the ISG Move to the quadruped position at an edge. This could be a bench or a small table, for example. Now hook the outer leg to the other leg by crossing your feet.

From this position slowly move the outer knee over the edge and lower it about 5 cm. Hold the leg lowered for 2 seconds and then lift it up again. 15 repetitions.

5.) Stabilization of the ISG Stand straight and upright. The legs are shoulder width apart.

Now kneel slightly and bend your upper body forward so that your heels just touch the ground. Now press your toes flat on the floor and pretend to turn your feet outwards from this position. Hold the resulting tension for 15 seconds.

3 passes. 6.) Strengthening the muscles Lie on your back.

Your arms are relaxed next to your body and your legs are stretched out. Now tense your buttocks and back muscles. Hold the tension for 10 seconds and then release it again. Repeat 5-10 times. More exercises can be found in the articles:

  • Exercises ISG-Blockade
  • ISG Blockade
  • Physiotherapy for coccyx pain during pregnancy