Exercises for tendinitis

Common manifestations are joints like the wrist, shoulder, elbow, knee or ankle. Inflammatory processes cause pain, which can lead to relieving posture, reduced movement and strength. This should be counteracted by exercises. Depending on the degree of inflammation, the exercises vary. The following exercises are suitable for people who are no longer in the acute … Exercises for tendinitis

Osteopathy | Exercises for tendinitis

Osteopathy Osteopathy consists of purely manual techniques that can be used for diagnosis and therapy. Osteopathic measures may only be applied independently by physicians, alternative practitioners or physiotherapists (with the additional training of the alternative practitioner). Osteopathic techniques are intended to identify and positively influence tissue disorders. Restrictions in movement can be reduced, blood circulation … Osteopathy | Exercises for tendinitis

ISG complaints during pregnancy – exercises

Contrary to the general assumption that the treatment of diseases during pregnancy is only possible to a limited extent, there is a multitude of alternative therapy methods that can be applied to pregnant women without any problems. These include a series of exercises to release the blockage in the sacroiliac joint and to loosen and … ISG complaints during pregnancy – exercises

Physiotherapy | ISG complaints during pregnancy – exercises

Physiotherapy Physiotherapy for ISG complaints during pregnancy can sometimes differ greatly from the treatment of a non-pregnant patient. While normally the problems are tried to be controlled with the help of mobilization, manipulation or massage techniques, this is only possible to a limited extent during pregnancy. Especially in more advanced stages of pregnancy, some of … Physiotherapy | ISG complaints during pregnancy – exercises

Employment ban | ISG complaints during pregnancy – exercises

Employment ban Whether an employment prohibition is pronounced for a pregnant woman with ISG complaints always depends on the individual situation and the job to be performed. In general, a ban on employment should only be imposed if the activity to be performed would endanger the welfare of the mother or the unborn child. By … Employment ban | ISG complaints during pregnancy – exercises

Summary | ISG complaints during pregnancy – exercises

Summary All in all, although the treatment options for ISG complaints during pregnancy are limited, those affected do not have to live with the pain. Thanks to a number of therapeutic approaches, it is possible to control the pain caused by the sacroiliac joint. The performance of various exercises is suitable for the acute treatment … Summary | ISG complaints during pregnancy – exercises

Osteopathy for Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis syndrome is a common diagnosis in physiotherapy. However, Pirifmoris Syndrome is often overlooked during examinations, as it can show the same symptoms as lumbar or sacral dysfunction. Piriformis syndrome is neuromuscular in origin and often manifests itself through back and pelvic pain. Both men and women are affected, whether they are doing sitting or … Osteopathy for Piriformis Syndrome

Further therapeutic methods | Osteopathy for Piriformis Syndrome

Further therapeutic methods In general, osteopathic sessions at regular intervals are recommended for Piriformis syndrome, whereby structural damage can be found and treated directly. In the field of osteopathy, craniosacral therapy can be applied. This is also a holistic procedure, in which the patient is treated through gentle applications without the patient noticing much during … Further therapeutic methods | Osteopathy for Piriformis Syndrome

Wryneck in infants | Physiotherapy for a torticollis

Wryneck in infants Also with babies a torticollis can already occur. It is suspected that the sternocleidomastoid muscle has been injured during birth, which can then be shortened and even become connective tissue (no longer elastic). A central neurological disorder may be possible. It usually manifests itself directly when looking at the child, but in … Wryneck in infants | Physiotherapy for a torticollis