Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis): Examination

A comprehensive clinical examination is the basis for selecting further diagnostic steps:

  • General physical examination – including blood pressure, pulse, body temperature, body weight, body height; furthermore:
    • Inspection (viewing) [nose: watery secretions (runny nose, runny nose); swelling of nasal mucosa; eyes: redness, watery eyes, swelling of conjunctiva]
      • Skin and mucous membranes
      • Throat
      • Eyes
    • Examination of the lungs
      • Auscultation (listening) of the lungs
      • Percussion (tapping) of the lungs
  • If necessary, ENT medical examination – including anterior and posterior rhinoscopy (reflection of the nasal cavity from the nostril and nasopharynx, respectively); this usually shows:
    • Mucosal swelling
    • Clear to whitish thin fluid secretion
  • Health check

Square brackets [ ] indicate possible pathological (pathological) physical findings.