Therapy of nipple inflammation | Inflammation of the nipple

Therapy of nipple inflammation

In general, the therapy of nipple inflammation is carried out according to the cause of the inflammation. If certain clothes are the reason for inflamed nipples, it is recommended not to wear them any further and to rub the nipple with oil or ointments. In order to prevent nipple inflammation during breastfeeding, strict hygiene measures (changing insoles, possibly treating with an ointment after breastfeeding, etc.)

and the correct breastfeeding technique should be observed. This can be found with a midwife. If nipple inflammation still occurs during breastfeeding, antibiotic therapy is the most common treatment method.

In the past, women with nipple inflammation were recommended to stop breastfeeding while breastfeeding. In the meantime, one is no longer convinced of this. It is rather recommended to continue breastfeeding so that the milk can flow off well and the inflammation does not get worse.

The baby can continue to be breastfed during the antibiotic treatment. If an abscess has already developed, it must normally be surgically removed and antibiotic treatment must be continued.