Chlorella: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Chlorella is a form of freshwater algae that is often used as a dietary supplement in natural medicine. The reason for this is that chlorella is exceptionally nutrient-dense and healthy, as the algae helps to detoxify the body, for example.

Occurrence and cultivation of chlorella

Chlorella, a green, unicellular freshwater algae, convinces with a high concentration of nutrients. Thus, chlorella is considered a whole food that contains all the nutrients that humans need. The microalgae is said to have populated the fresh waters of the earth more than 2.5 billion years ago. The alga Chlorella has its own cell nucleus, so it belongs to the realm of plants. It owes its survival to the renewal and reproduction of its cells. Chlorella has enriched the diet of the Aztecs and Mayans for centuries. In China and Japan, too, the alga has been highly appreciated for years due to its unique nutrient density and the many health benefits it provides. Because of its numerous benefits, Chlorella has been cultivated in larger quantities since the middle of the 20th century. Optimally, the alga grows in crystal clear lakes. It is also often cultivated on algae farms in special tanks. The alga is available in the form of tablets, capsules, powder or liquid extract.

Effect and application

Chlorella algae is very popular as a food supplement or food additive thanks to its neutral taste, numerous valuable ingredients and low side effects. The microalgae is also used in the feed supplement of animals. It is also very popular in the cosmetics industry. The red pigment astaxanthin, for example, which is contained in lipstick, comes from the microalga. Chlorella can be used in the form of capsules, tablets, powder or liquid extracts. Four grams of powder or 15 tablets daily can already help support the body’s own functions and supply the body with important nutrients. A dose of six grams also increases the detoxifying effect. The latter is particularly noticeable in an improvement of digestion. With a dosage of 15 to 20 grams, even certain diseases can be treated in medicine. However, such a dosage should be gradually increased and monitored by the doctor. Children can also take chlorella. Here, the recommended dosage is no more than half of the adult dose. This promotes growth and development and activates the immune system. Chlorella should be taken with plenty of liquid. The valuable microalgae is available on the Internet, in health food stores, but also in supermarkets. It is advisable to choose pure and natural chlorella, which comes from an organic production, because the requirements for cultivation are strict.

Importance for health, treatment and prevention.

The many health effects of chlorella include, for example, strengthening the immune system. Chlorella supports the immune system. When taken for several weeks, the activity of NK cells increases decisively. These cells fight viral and cancer cells. It also helps detoxify the body from heavy metals. These include dental fillings, canned fish, car exhaust, industrial emissions. Heavy metals are a danger in the body so it is important to rid the body of toxins. The ingredients of Chlorella bind to heavy metals in the body, such as lead and mercury, and ensure that they do not re-enter the system, especially the tissues and organs. For strong bone and teeth development, the body needs enough vitamin A1 and D3. These vitamins are contained in chlorella in high quantities. In addition, the positive effect is used in radiation and chemotherapy. In particular, the chlorophyll in chlorella can protect the body from the damage of radiation and free the organism from radioactive particles. Chlorophyll can be compared to hemoglobin in terms of structure and helps to increase the oxygen transport of blood. Oxygenated blood provides many health benefits, such as more energy, increased resistance to harmful toxins and improved brain function. Chlorella can lower body fat levels, cholesterol levels as well as blood sugar levels. This leads to a reduction in weight.The alga regulates hormonal balance, accelerates metabolism and increases energy. Chlorella is said to slow down the aging process, resulting in a younger appearance. The reason for this is that the alga acts as an antioxidant and thus reduces oxidative stress, which can be caused by stress, pollution, unhealthy diet or similar. The plant can likewise help lower blood sugar and cholesterol. Chlorella can improve blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol levels and thus provide a healthy balance in the body. Chlorella has the highest content of valuable beta-carotene and lutein among all plants. The latter is especially needed for the photoreceptors and can prevent impaired vision in the eyes, as well as the decay of the rod and cone cells. The microalgae can make a very valuable contribution to health and well-being. This is especially true if chlorella is consumed daily and complements a healthy, varied diet. Chlorella also contains vitamin B12, which is important for vegans and vegetarians. The valuable ingredients of chlorella at a glance:

  • Highest chlorophyll content of all plants
  • Abundant high-quality vegetable protein
  • All essential amino acids
  • Numerous vitamins
  • Various important minerals and trace elements
  • Exceptional phytochemicals and compounds