Autumn Crocus

Stem plant

Colchicaceae, Autumn crocus.

Medicinal drug

Colchici semen – timothy seed: the dried seed of L. (Liliaceae) with a colchicine content of at least 0.5% (PH 4) – no longer officinal Colchici tuber – autumn crocus bulbs Colchici flos – autumn crocus flowers.


Tinctura Colchici PH 5


Tropolone alkaloids: colchicine

Indications for use

Autumn crocus is no longer used pharmaceutically as a phytopharmaceutical, except in alternative medicine, for example potentiated in homeopathy. The pure substance colchicine is used for the prevention and treatment of gout, see under colchicine.

Adverse effects

Consequences of poisoning include burning and scratching in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, gastroenteritis, diarrhea, drop in temperature, paralysis, respiratory paralysis, organ failure, death. Because of the similarity, autumn crocus can be confused with wild garlic, which is collected in the forest in the spring for pesto and salad.

Things to know

Colchis is a legendary wonderland among the ancient Greeks, where the witch Hecate and her daughter Medea rule. Argonaut saga: Jason and the Argonauts search for the golden fleece on Colchis.