Abdominal liposuction

LiposuctionLiposuction offers the possibility of removing fatty tissue that can no longer be reduced by dietary changes or exercise. The abdomen in particular is often a problem area for both men and women. Especially on the abdomen, the stubborn fatty tissue can no longer be removed through sports and fitness programs.

However, the removal of fatty tissue is limited mainly by the loss of blood and other body fluids and should therefore only be used locally and not as a general treatment for overweight. Liposuction should only be used as a complementary method to diet or dietary changes and not as the sole method of weight loss. On the abdomen, as well as on other parts of the body, an improvement in body shape is not only achieved through liposuction, but also through the formation of connective tissue in the areas where liposuction is performed.

By wearing compression underwear afterwards, the desired body shape is usually achieved. Since the skin is very elastic, it usually adapts well to the new body shape. However, if too much fat is removed, the skin can form wrinkles after the operation and you may have to consider an abdominoplasty for aesthetic reasons.

In this case, the excess skin is removed and the remaining skin is tightened. Liposuction or the removal of fat cells is permanent. The removed fat cells do not regenerate. Thus, a permanent fat reduction is achieved through liposuction. However, the remaining fat cells naturally store fat again when you gain weight, so that a new weight gain occurs.


Abdominal liposuction can be performed under local anesthesia by local injection of anesthetics or spinal/peridual anesthesia, in which case the anesthesia is via the spinal cord or it can also be done under general anesthesia. At the beginning of the operation, the area on the abdomen is marked where the fat is to be suctioned off. It is disinfected over a large area and sterilely covered.

Then, during the liposuction, a drug is injected locally, which both numbs the area and dissolves the fat cells, causing them to burst so that they can later be suctioned off. The actual operation is performed through a small incision, which is usually made at the navel and is at most 0.5-1cm wide. The suction device is inserted through this incision and the fat cells are suctioned off.

The duration of the operation depends on how much fat is removed. Realistic is about 1-1.5 hours. In most cases, the patient can go home on the day of surgery. If large areas of fat have been removed, patients usually remain in the hospital. After abdominal liposuction: After the operation, a tight bandage or well-fitting compression garment must be worn for several weeks.