Abdominal pain | Symptoms of inflammation of the fallopian tubes

Abdominal pain

The main symptom of an inflammation of the fallopian tubes is abdominal pain, which can be of varying severity. In some cases the affected women have only minor symptoms, while other women suffer from severe pain in the lower abdomen. It is important to note that the quality of the pain does not give any indication of the severity of the disease.

It is therefore quite possible that a very severe inflammation of the fallopian tubes causes hardly any pain. Even slight persistent abdominal pain should therefore be taken seriously and clarified by a gynecologist. The pain occurs very suddenly and is described as stabbing or pulling, cramp-like pain in the lower abdomen.

It is possible that the pain radiates into the entire abdomen and back. Typically, the pain is intensified by pressure on the abdomen from outside. Women also suffer from pain in the lower abdomen during sexual intercourse.

Back pain

An inflammation of the fallopian tubes often makes itself felt in the form of flank or back pain. The pain radiates from the abdomen to the lower back. It is often difficult for affected women to recognize that the pain originates in the lower abdomen.

The back pain occurs mainly in the area of the coccyx and lumbar vertebrae. The back pain is particularly severe after sexual intercourse. Back pain occurs during an inflammation of the fallopian tubes because the back muscles contract due to the cramp-like pain in the lower abdomen.

This leads to tension in the lower back muscles and pulling back pain. Therefore, gynecological diseases or menstrual pain are often associated with back pain. The physician prescribes antibiotics and painkillers such as Ibuprofen or Voltaren® in the case of an inflammation of the fallopian tubes, by which the pain should quickly subside. Warmth has an additional antispasmodic effect and relaxes the muscles. Relaxation techniques such as autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation also have a soothing effect on back pain.