Accompanying symptoms | Diarrhea due to stress

Accompanying symptoms

The accompanying symptoms can be due to both the diarrhea and the stress experienced by the affected person. Common symptoms therefore include abdominal pain and abdominal cramps, which is typical of diarrhoea, as well as common stress-related symptoms such as headaches, migraines, restlessness and nervousness. These accompanying symptoms are very important to isolate other possible causes of diarrhea: In infectious diarrhea, the accompanying symptoms include blood in the stool, fever and vomiting.

Dizziness can also occur in diarrhea caused by stress – but it can also be an indication of a bacterial infection. Abdominal pain is probably one of the most common symptoms associated with any type of diarrhoea. It can be diffuse pain spread over the abdomen, or it can be cramp-like pain.

In both cases it is typical that the discomfort is relieved during bowel movements. In addition to abdominal pain, other complaints of the gastrointestinal tract such as feeling full, nausea or vomiting may also be experienced. However, all these symptoms are not specifically typical for a sensitive intestine and must therefore always be interpreted in conjunction with the complete symptoms.

Stress influences the body in many ways: Diarrhea can be a possible consequence as well as anxiety or even nervousness. Lack of concentration or sleeping problems can be associated with this nervousness.In addition, nervousness can also be the trigger for intestinal problems: As described above, the mechanism for this runs via the nervous system, which puts the body into a permanently alarmed state due to the stressful situation. Whether nervousness is the cause, consequence or a symptom occurring parallel to the intestinal complaints, it definitely gives an indication that the intestine is affected by the stress.


If other causes for the intestinal complaints are definitely excluded, therapeutic measures can be started. In the case of functional intestinal complaints, such as diarrhea caused by stress, changes in lifestyle and dietary habits are the most important factors to consider. Measures for stress reduction such as regular endurance sports, meditation or progressive muscle relaxation should be included in the schedule anyway.

A balanced diet can also help to alleviate diarrhoea. For this purpose, stuffing foods such as rice, potatoes, oatmeal or bananas can be eaten. If neither sports nor dietary measures bring about an improvement in the symptoms, drug therapy can also be tried.

In this case, diarrhea medication such as loperamide or activated carbon are mainly used. If these preparations do not alleviate the symptoms either, the prescription of an antidepressant drug may be considered: The proven effect of antidepressants is based on their mood-lifting and thus stress-reducing effect on the central nervous system, which then also influences the gastrointestinal tract. or How can diarrhoea be stopped quickly?

Stress-related diarrhoea can in most cases already be alleviated by non-drug measures. First of all, this includes nutrition: if easily stuffed foods are consumed as soon as a stressful phase in life is announced, this can already contribute to the improvement of intestinal complaints. Swelling foods such as psyllium husks or chia seeds not only help against constipation, but also thicken the stool.

Therefore, taking these “all-rounders” can also be helpful against light diarrhoea or stool irregularities. Furthermore, diarrhea is always accompanied by a loss of fluid and electrolytes. This can be counteracted by drinking enough liquid: Water, tea and fruit juice spritzers are particularly suitable for this.

To compensate for the electrolyte loss, low-fat, salty or salty food can be consumed. For the homeopathic treatment of stress-related gastrointestinal complaints, various basic substances can be considered. These include – among many other remedies – Antimonium crudum (black spit shine), coloquine and Chelidonium majus (celandine), which will be briefly discussed here.

Black spit shine is said to help especially with intestinal complaints, which are alternately associated with constipation and diarrhea. Especially people of higher age should benefit from this remedy. Koloquinte helps with complaints that are accompanied by severe colicky pain.

People whose diarrhea and abdominal pain gets worse during movement and better through bowel movement can benefit from Koloquinte. Celandine is best used to help people whose abdomen is hard and tense from the discomfort. Caution is advised here: A board-hard abdomen can also indicate an inflammation that is spreading to other abdominal organs at that moment.

This symptom should therefore be clarified by a physician before starting a homeopathic treatment. In addition to the substances mentioned above, there are many other remedies that can be used in cases of diarrhoea caused by stress. However, since the selection of the preparations depends on the individual symptoms and must be individually adapted, it is advisable to consult an appropriately qualified person in case of doubt. Are you interested in this topic? –