Active Organs | Schüssler Salt No. 18 Calcium sulfuratum hahnemannii

Active Organs

The largest detoxification organ in the human body is the liver, as it filters toxins from the blood, breaks them down and excretes the resulting products. Since Calcium sulfuratum has the detoxification and elimination of toxins as its main application, taking this salt supports above all the natural function of the liver. Since a toxin load affects the entire body, Calcium sulfuratum also has an effect on all the corresponding organs of the body. The effect is probably most visible on the skin, since abscesses and purulent or poorly healing wounds can be stimulated to heal by taking this salt.


Calcium sulfuratum hahnemannii should be taken in a low potency, such as D6. This potency can support the healing of all kinds of pus, because it accelerates the discharge of the pus. A higher potency such as D12 is also prescribed from time to time, mostly when the salt is to be used to treat longer-lasting, i.e. chronic skin problems of dry, cracked skin or rhagades.

Regardless of potency, a maximum of three tablets per day should be taken. In addition, the intake should always be clarified with the treating alternative practitioner or homeopath. and homeopathic medicines