Acupuncture indications

General information

The spectrum of application of acupuncture is very broad and usually starts where conventional methods fail or no causal cause for suffering has been found.


In the following paragraphs we will present some indications for which acupuncture can be used. – Acute and chronic pain (e.g. : headache, back and joint pain, fibromyalgia (fiber-muscle pain), tumor pain, pain of the chewing and dental system)

  • Diseases of the locomotor system (e.g.

: Pain in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine, herniated disc, tendon and joint diseases, tennis elbow, chronic hip joint pain, knee joint pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, aftercare of hip, knee and disc operations, arthrosis pain)

  • Neurological diseases (e.g. : migraine, neuralgia, facial paresis (facial paralysis), trigeminal neuralgia, co-medication in paralysis, stroke and polyneuropathy, pain in shingles (zoster), accompanying symptoms of neurological diseases)
  • Diseases of the respiratory tract (e.g. : asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, common colds)
  • Vegetative disturbances (e.g.

: insomnia, exhaustion syndrome, functional heart problems, inner restlessness, blood pressure fluctuations, sexual disharmony, libido disorders)

  • Addictions (e.g. : sedation, eating addiction, nicotine abuse, alcohol abuse, drug addiction, relief of withdrawal symptoms)
  • Diseases of the digestive system (e.g. functional gastrointestinal disorders, stomach ulcers, gastritis, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic colitis – ulcerative colitis/Morbus Crohn’s disease)
  • Gynaecological diseases and obstetrics (e.g.

: Menstrual pain, irregular menstrual cycles, fertility disorders, amenorrhoea (absence of menstrual bleeding), endometriosis (proliferation of the uterine lining), mastopathy (benign changes in the mammary gland tissue), menopausal symptoms, pregnancy vomiting, birth preparation)

  • Ear, nose, throat and eye diseases (e.g. : Sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses), tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils), olfactory and taste disorders, sudden deafness, tinnitus, dizziness, glaucoma, dry eye syndrome)
  • Skin diseases (e.g. neurodermatitis, eczema, acne, poorly healing wounds)
  • Allergies (e.g.

: hay fever, food allergies, allergic asthma, sun allergy)

  • Postoperative situations (e.g. : Promotion of wound healing, prevention of inflammation, decongestant, analgesic, lymphatic flow stimulating effect)
  • Other indications (e.g. : Accompanying therapy for tumour diseases, e.g. relief of nausea during chemotherapy, improvement of general condition after surgery or radiation, herpes genitalis and labialis)