ADHD in Children

In Germany, an estimated five percent of all children and adolescents suffer from ADHD. Boys are affected by the attention deficit disorder significantly more often than girls. ADHD is noticeable in children through symptoms such as overactivity and difficulty concentrating. But many other symptoms can also point to ADHD. We explain the causes, symptoms and various treatment options for ADHD in children.

ADHD or ADD: What are the differences?

The abbreviation ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and the abbreviation ADD stands for attention deficit disorder. So the difference between ADHD and ADD lies in the term hyperactivity: children suffering from ADHD are not only more often unfocused and more easily distracted than classmates of the same age, but also precisely hyperactive. They are fidgety, constantly on the move and can rarely occupy themselves quietly with anything. ADS children, on the other hand, are more likely to daydream. Depending on which symptoms the affected children show, different types are distinguished:

  • Hyperactive-impulsive type
  • Predominantly attention-disordered type (occurs especially in girls).
  • Combined type: hyperactive and attention-disordered.

Causes of ADHD in children

What exactly causes ADHD has not yet been conclusively determined. However, it is suspected that the attention deficit disorder in many cases is genetic. This is because close relatives such as parents or siblings often suffer from ADHD in addition to the affected child. The cause of the disorder is presumably faulty signal transmission in the brain: the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine, which play an important role in our attention and motivation, are present in lower than usual quantities in people with ADHD. As a result, the exchange of information between nerve cells is disturbed and stimuli are sometimes no longer processed correctly. However, not only genetic influences, but also the environment is said to play a role in the development of ADHD: For example, smoking and drinking during pregnancy are said to increase the predisposition to attention deficit disorder. Likewise, a lack of oxygen during birth can have a negative effect. In addition, the environment in which the child grows up is also important: Traumatic events, for example, are said to promote the development of ADHD in children.

Typical symptoms of ADHD in children

Whether a child has ADHD is usually not apparent at first glance. Indeed, it is often difficult to distinguish the symptoms from age-appropriate behavior. A typical symptom that indicates ADHD in children is marked overactivity: the children are restless, fidgety and constantly on the move – even in situations where calm behavior is required of them. ADHD children are more likely to be unfocused than peers and easily distracted. They also find it difficult to stay calmly engaged with one thing for a long period of time. They also have problems distinguishing between important and unimportant things. Because of these symptoms, problems often arise when the children start school. Accompanying symptoms in ADHD children may also include increased forgetfulness, increased irritability, aggressiveness and impulsivity, and lower frustration tolerance. Motor difficulties, for example in learning to write, may also occur. As a rule, ADHD children tend to be shunned by their classmates, which is why they rarely develop lasting friendships. This often results in lower self-esteem, which can lead to anxiety and depression in the long term. That’s why it’s especially important for ADHD children to experience love, security and acceptance in their families.

Course of ADHD

The first symptoms indicative of ADHD may appear as early as infancy: Infants and young children suffer from sleep problems or digestive disorders, are moody and reject physical contact. Somewhat older children have problems learning new motor tasks – for example, eating independently with cutlery. In terms of learning speed, ADHD children often lag behind their peers. The many new stimuli to which the children are exposed in kindergarten usually make the symptoms even worse. The children are unpredictable in their actions, have difficulty making friends and some have violent outbursts of rage.However, ADHD symptoms usually become most apparent when children start school. ADHD children are often unfocused, disrupt lessons and sometimes react aggressively towards teachers or classmates. In terms of academic performance, children with ADHD lag behind many of their classmates: they are often less receptive and have problems with reading, writing, and math. Often, some of the AHDS symptoms persist into adulthood.