Alcohol Addiction: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Alcohol addiction, also known as alcoholism, alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence, is a disease that seems to be becoming more and more prevalent. Discussed are various factors in the development and treatment of alcohol addiction.

What is alcohol addiction?

Severe liver damage, fatty liver, and alcoholic hepatitis (liver inflammation) or cirrhosis are the dangerous conditions that can accompany alcohol addiction. The term alcohol addiction or alcohol dependence refers to a chronic disease caused by regular and excessive alcohol consumption that leads to severe social, psychological and physical damage. The difference between alcoholism and normal alcohol consumption lies in the gradual loss of freedom of will. The consequence of this is that the alcohol user’s consumption slips away and he is no longer able to abstain from the drug. The alcoholic drinks more than he actually wants to as a result of his alcohol addiction.

Why do many people drink alcohol in the first place?

Alcohol has a special place in the history of Europe. Even the ancient Germanic tribes produced the intoxicating drink “mead” from honey. But also beer from grain and wine from grapes have been known in Europe since ancient times. The intoxicating effect, the sensual taste, but also the long shelf life of alcohol, are just some of the reasons for its wide acceptance in Europe. Today, alcohol can be bought in almost every store. The availability threshold is therefore very low. Alcohol also has a strong social component in Western society. Alcohol makes it easier for people to get in touch with each other, and inhibitions about making contact are lowered. It also makes flirting easier for many people. Unfortunately, many people also see alcohol as a solution to problems and stress. Due to the intoxicating effect, negative thoughts are suppressed or played down. Those affected seem to escape the unloved reality for a few hours. That the problems are solved with it on the next day neither nor the stress is diminished, do not notice most humans.

When does alcohol become an addiction?

People who periodically feel the need to drink alcohol can be classified as addicted. At the latest when alcohol is consumed on a daily basis, medical experts speak of alcohol addiction or alcoholism. The amounts can vary. A small shot a day can be enough. The decisive factor is the constant compulsive craving for alcohol at short intervals.

Does alcohol really kill brain cells? At how much alcohol do brain cells die?

Nerve cells die with every intoxication or drunkenness. However, humans have about 100 billion nerve cells, so moderate alcohol consumption is of no consequence in this regard. An intact bloodbrain barrier also shields alcohol from negative effects to the greatest extent possible.

At what point is the blood-brain barrier defective and no longer protects against the negative effects of alcohol?

The duration and amount of alcohol consumption inevitably alters the bloodbrain barrier. Initially, it becomes tighter and smaller amounts of ethanol enter the brain. Affected individuals usually notice this only incidentally, in that they may simply consume more alcohol without really feeling drunk. In the long term, the loss of memory is clearly noticeable here. In addition, it becomes dangerous for the liver, because its task is to break down the poison in the body. Above a certain amount of alcohol, however, it can no longer cope with this activity. In the medium term, both the brain and the liver suffer irreversible organic damage. The severity of damage to the brain and liver are different for each person and cannot be predicted by the amount and duration of alcohol consumption.

At what point is the liver permanently damaged?

In women, damage to the liver begins at lower levels than in men. The rule of thumb applies here: 2 centiliters of liquor, ¼ liter of wine or 0.5 liters of beer on at least four days a week attack the liver. Cirrhosis of the liver is then usually the result. Men can tolerate two to three times the amount of ethanol. But here too, not everyone is the same! Liver cirrhosis itself is the final stage of a chronic liver disease, which is only partially curable. Cells of the liver die and are replaced by scar tissue.If the process progresses, the liver dies and a detoxification process is no longer possible. The person then dies from internal poisoning.


Various factors can be considered as causes of alcohol addiction. One of these factors is the general social acceptance of alcohol consumption and the very easy availability of alcoholic beverages. This is already experienced by children when they see the huge arsenals of bottles in supermarkets, kiosks and beverage markets, which are often also offered at very low prices. Another favoring factor is a genetic defect that causes the absence of alcohol dehydrogenase, an enzyme that breaks down alcohol. It is also claimed that there are personality types that are more prone to alcohol consumption than others. Other social factors include today’s stressful lifestyles in industrialized countries and the social isolation that often results. Especially in crisis situations, alcohol is used by many people as a sedative or as a way to escape the bleakness of everyday life. People like to resort to artificial intoxication when life is not otherwise intoxicating in the truest sense of the word.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

Alcohol addiction is accompanied by numerous physical and psychological symptoms. The clearest sign of alcoholism is the strong and only occasionally interrupted craving for alcohol, which in the advanced stage of the disease dominates the entire thinking and actions of the affected person. Sober phases cause trembling, movement disorders, excessive sweating, dizziness, nervousness and lack of concentration. As a result, alcohol is consumed early in the day. Over time, it becomes increasingly difficult for alcoholics to manage their daily lives. They hide their addiction and when approached about it, they deny or minimize their dependence. They usually have a bloated and reddened face, are easily irritable to severely aggressive, and their mood changes quickly. They are not easy to get along with, and they themselves do not feel reasonably comfortable and relaxed until they have reached a level of alcoholism that is comfortable for them. Apart from that, people addicted to alcohol suffer from insomnia and decreasing appetite, they gradually lose weight. Increased blood pressure as well as cardiac arrhythmias often set in and sooner or later the liver of almost all alcohol patients is irreparably damaged. Less common than liver disease are stomach ulcers and pancreatitis. Alcoholics have lower fertility and an increased risk of suicidality, cancer and dementia than healthy people. Massive alcohol abuse occasionally leads to Korsakow syndrome.

Diagnosis and course

The physical damage of alcohol addiction is caused mainly by a very toxic metabolite called acetaldehyde, which is formed in the liver when alcohol is broken down. This can lead to severe liver damage such as so-called fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis (liver inflammation), or cirrhosis. Furthermore, the pancreas and the gastric mucosa can be affected in the sense of an inflammation. It can also lead to stomach and intestinal tumors and to heart muscle diseases. In pregnant women, alcoholism can lead to malformations of the child, known as alcohol embryopathy, and can also cause miscarriage. A number of neurological disorders can also be caused by alcoholism. These include polyneuropathies (inflammation of nerves), epileptic seizures and brain shrinkage. Common symptoms include alcohol hallucinations with severe sensory delusions, delirium tremens, anxiety, delusions, loss of reality, and the so-called Korsakow syndrome, which is associated with a loss of body control, memory, and orientation. If alcohol addiction is not treated, it ultimately leads to death.


Alcohol addiction is caused by regular, high consumption of alcohol. Acute alcohol consumption leads to impaired coordination and articulation. In addition, there is a change in personality and to disorders of consciousness. Alcohol causes increased urine flow and increased breakdown of sugar, so that dehydration or hypoglycemia may follow. Excessive consumption of alcohol causes disturbances of memory and also unconsciousness.In the worst cases, coma and respiratory failure occur. Chronic alcohol consumption in the case of alcohol addiction damages the liver. This leads to fatty degeneration of the liver, resulting in a fatty liver. Further alcohol consumption leads to connective tissue remodeling of the liver, resulting in cirrhosis. This leads to disturbances in the function of the liver. It can no longer synthesize sufficient proteins, resulting in edema and disorders in coagulation. In addition, fluids often accumulate in the abdomen, resulting in ascites. Due to the solidification of liver tissue, blood flow is diverted, and blood flows through collateral circulation instead of through the liver. Varicose veins on the esophagus and stomach, as well as hemorrhoids, are the consequences. The spleen is also affected and enlarges as a result. Liver cirrhosis also carries an increased risk of degenerating into liver cancer.

When should you see a doctor?

Alcohol addiction is a distressing addictive disease and can cause significant physical and psychological damage to the sufferer in both the short and long term. That’s why a doctor’s appointment should be made as early as possible in cases of alcohol addiction. In practice, of course, this is rarely done, because before an alcoholic realizes that he or she is addicted, a drastic experience often has to happen first. Family members and friends, however, know long beforehand that a person in their circle has an alcohol problem. In order to get him to admit to alcohol addiction, they should point out to him that something is wrong. It is also important that they do not become accomplices by defending his behavior under the influence of alcohol or silently tolerating the alcohol consumption. However, they cannot force an alcoholic to visit a doctor either. However, as soon as a person with alcohol addiction is ready to be examined by a doctor, a visit to the family doctor is enough – he or she will initiate all further steps. First of all, the patient is examined physically, because even alcohol addiction for a short time can be enough to cause damage to the internal organs. While these can then be treated as far as possible, an alcoholic then needs psychological care to overcome the addiction. This can take place on an inpatient or outpatient basis – depending on the severity of the alcohol addiction.

Treatment and therapy

If an alcohol addiction is to be successfully treated, this first requires that the alcoholic also admits the disease to himself. To make this easier, he can turn to a self-help group such as the Blue Cross or Alcoholics Anonymous. Addiction counseling centers can also be of help to the determined alcoholic in getting out of the addiction. Sometimes a two-week detox in a clinic is necessary at the beginning, which first provides for an initial physical detoxification. This is followed by a withdrawal phase with rehabilitation, which is often accompanied by drug treatment. However, psychological or socio-therapeutic treatment in the form of group therapy or behavioral therapy is particularly important. Especially through self-help groups or professional therapists, the exit from alcohol addiction can be carried out or accompanied.

Outlook and prognosis

Alcohol addiction can lead to the death of the patient in the worst case. As a rule, the internal organs and the brain are severely damaged by a permanent intake of large amounts of alcohol, so that paralysis or disturbances in sensitivity may continue to occur. Likewise, alcohol addiction sometimes has a negative effect on social contacts, so that it is not uncommon for aggression or irritability to occur. Those affected withdraw from social life and often break off contacts. The quality of life is thus significantly reduced by alcohol addiction. There is also a risk of alcohol poisoning, which can lead to the death of the person affected. In the case of permanent use, life expectancy is also reduced. In any case, the treatment of alcohol addiction must be initiated by the affected person himself, although in severe cases this can also take place in a closed clinic. Even after successful treatment, a relapse may occur. The further complaints and complications depend on the severity of the alcohol addiction. As a rule, however, alcohol has a very negative effect on the entire body and damages the organs.


To prevent alcohol addiction, anyone who regularly consumes alcohol should ask themselves how voluntary this still is. Is there a kind of peer pressure due to a frequently partying circle of acquaintances? Do people therefore reach for champagne more often, even though they would rather drink water? Do people use alcohol as a simple means of switching off? Anyone who answers these questions with yes should consider whether a few changes could be made in their own life that would make life more worth living and less stressful. A good life is the best prevention against alcohol addiction.


Aftercare plays a big role in alcohol addiction. During a withdrawal cure, the person affected often finds it easy not to be overwhelmed by the addiction, especially at the end, because of the distance from everyday life and sufficient distractions. If he now returns to his usual environment, there is a great risk of relapse, which is why aftercare with a high level of support and accompaniment is of utmost importance. A good support are relatives who are informed about the disease. Then unpleasant moments in which alcohol is involved can be avoided. The person affected should, as difficult as it may sound, speak openly about the disease and not be ashamed of possible thoughts of renewed consumption. Just as important as the social environment is a doctor with whom there is trust. He or she should be contacted immediately if there are signs of a relapse. Open meetings for addicts and “recovered” people can also be a stable accompaniment during aftercare, because the affected person not only has a place where he can share his thoughts. He also comes into contact with people who are only at the beginning of the treatment path and he automatically takes on a role model function for these people, which in turn has a motivating effect on him.

This is what you can do yourself

The first and most important action comes from the affected person alone. He should have the insight for the fact that his life must change radically in order to defeat alcohol addiction. When addicts themselves are convinced that they have to stop drinking, they very often do not manage to do so on their own. In many cases, the addiction is far too strong for that. It is better to turn to other people for help. This can be a self-help group close to home. Involving good friends or one of the closest family members in the plan is also very useful. Alcoholics in this case can state very clearly, “I want to stop drinking and need support to do so!” This is the first step in beating addiction. Alcohol must play absolutely no role from this point on. Severe alcohol addicts, however, must expect to seek help from a professional source. This is possible, for example, in a special addiction clinic, where the patient is admitted, treated for a certain period of time as well as monitored and subsequently counseled. After this stay, joining a self-help group can in turn lead to turning away from alcohol completely for good. And if affected once show weakness, they should in no case immediately give up.