Antithrombosis stockings | Measures of thrombosis prophylaxis

Antithrombosis stockings

The antithrombosis stockings (ATS or also MTS) are mainly used clinically for postoperative thrombosis prophylaxis. They belong to compression class 1 and exert a pressure of about 20 mmHg. It is also important to select the correct size.

For this purpose, the leg length and the thickest points on the thigh and calf are measured. The stockings are put on when the veins are decongested. This means directly after the legs have been lying down for at least half an hour. The stockings must be worn for 24 hours and should be changed every 2 – 3 days at the latest.

Compression stockings

Like ATS, compression stockings must be prescribed by a physician and should be worn for long periods of time. They are mainly used for. Depending on the compression class, the pressure increases from approx. 25 mmHg at level 2 to over 49 mmHg at level 4.

  • Varicose veins (varices),
  • Lymphedema,
  • Ulcus cruris (skin ulcers on the lower leg in chronic venous insufficiency),
  • Thrombosis or postthrombotic syndrome

Compression bandages

Compression bandages are available as an alternative to ATS. Depending on the indication, the leg is wrapped from bottom to top with bandages. Short-stretch bandages and long-stretch bandages are available.The different winding techniques require professional knowledge and should only be performed by experts.

Reverse flow gymnastics

Active or passive gymnastics additionally support the venous return flow. A number of different exercises are available, which can easily be performed in bed. The aim is again to activate the muscle pump and thus increase the flow rate of the blood. These measures have to be performed several times a day and in self-motivation (independently). Suitable are for example gymnastic exercises such as:

  • “Cycling in bed”
  • Circle your feet
  • Pressing the soles of the feet against the lower end of the bed with parallel tension of the calf muscles
  • Raise kneecap (actuation of thigh muscles).