Are fever dreams hallucinations?
Hallucinations are perceptions that are only perceived as “real” by the person affected. Other people cannot understand these perceptions. They can express themselves in pictures as well as in sounds or taste.
In a feverish dream, the person affected usually experiences a situation that he or she perceives as “real” at the moment of the dream. When waking up, however, most of those affected realize directly that it was a dream. As a distinguishing feature for outsiders, it should be considered that a fever dream can have characteristics ranging from restless sleep to nightmares, but an awake and feverish person can clearly distance himself from his dream afterwards. At the latest he can do this when his temperature has returned to normal.
What can you do against fever dreams?
Something only needs to be done against fever dreams if the fever leads to significant impairments. Otherwise, fever dreams do not require treatment, as they disappear on their own as the fever subsides. Once the disease has been overcome, feverish dreams are no longer to be expected.
Since the fever is the cause of the confused dreams, the key to the therapy lies in lowering the temperature. Simple measures such as bed linen adapted to the body temperature or a sufficient fluid intake are usually sufficient. Only in rare cases do fever dreams require drug therapy, which is then used prophylactically.
For this purpose, the selected drugs are usually used regularly during the acute phase of the illness or before the expected peak of the fever curve. However, they should not be used as a permanent measure.