Area of application and contraindications | Nebilet®

Area of application and contraindications

Nebilet® is mainly used in the treatment of high blood pressure and chronic heart failure. Nebilet® is not the first choice here, but is given in the event of intolerance to alternative drugs or in addition to them. Diseases that prohibit treatment with Nebilet®: 1. diabetes mellitusCaution is advised with a concomitant disease, diabetes mellitus.

Nebilet® does not worsen the disease, but it does mask the natural warning symptoms of hypoglycaemia such as sweating or palpitations. 2. low blood pressure (hypotension) + heart rate (bradycardia)Nebilet® should not be taken if you have low blood pressure or a low heart rate (<60/min), as the additional beta1 blockade can lead to cardiovascular collapse. 3. cardiac dysrhythmiaSome cardiac dysrhythmia called 2nd and 3rd degree AV block also preclude treatment with Nebilet®.

4 Circulatory disordersCirculatory disorders such as peripheral arterial occlusive disease and Raynaud’s syndrome, in which vessels close up like cramps, are contraindications for Nebilet®. 5. bronchial asthmaBecause of possible muscle spasms in the lungs, these patients must not use beta-blockers. 6) Poor liver functionDysfunction of the liver also requires discontinuation of the drug. 7. pregnancyDo not use during pregnancy.

Side effects

Several side effects are known to occur when taking Nebilet®, which have been observed, but are usually rare and do not have to occur in everyone. These include:

  • Slowed heart rate
  • Nausea and headaches
  • Asthma attacks and
  • Partial fatigue
