Arm Muscles | Strength training exercises

Arm Muscles

The exercises for the arms are divided into exercises for the triceps and biceps. The “triceps press with dumbbell” is also known as “French Press”. The starting position is a sitting position in which the dumbbell is held in a neutral grip in one hand behind the head.

The elbow points upwards and there is a 90° angle in the elbow joint. In this position the dumbbell is pressed upwards until the arm is almost stretched and then returned to the starting position. One should always pay attention to the 90° angle in the elbow joint.

“Alternating Curls” are a good exercise for training the biceps. The starting position is a shoulder-wide stance with an upright upper body. A dumbbell is held in both hands, with the arms stretched down.

Shoulder and upper arm remain in position and only the forearm moves upwards. The dumbbell is guided upwards towards the upper body and held there briefly. The weight is then released down again. Again, upper arm and shoulder remain rigid in position. This exercise is now performed alternately left and right.

Back Muscles

One of the best known exercises in strength training is used to train the back muscles and upper body. “Pull-ups” are effective and require only one bar “bar”. The starting position is hanging from the bar with the hands wide apart (V-shape).

The arms should not be fully extended, so that the back muscles are under constant tension. Now the upper body is pulled upwards until the chest slightly touches the bar. When pulling up, the body should follow a straight line and not swing back and forth.

Then the body is lowered back to the starting position and the arms are not fully stretched. One of the basic exercises for training the chest muscles is “bench press“. The starting position is lying backwards on a bench with the feet flat on the floor.

The barbell is gripped wider than shoulder width. The weight is lifted out of the holder and inhaled when the barbell is lowered. The barbell bar should briefly and lightly touch the chest at nipple level and then be pressed up explosively.

The arms are stretched completely. Alternatively, the legs can be lifted, which increases the degree of difficulty. After performing the desired number of repetitions, the barbell bar is lifted back into the holder. Beginners should consult an expert for this exercise.