Aronia: the Chokeberry

Aronia melanocurpa is little known in this country. Perhaps it is more familiar to some people under the name black chokeberry (or bald chokeberry). Yet it has been valued in Eastern Europe for several decades as an effective medicinal plant. Visually rather inconspicuous, the chokeberry could almost be confused with the blueberry – yet the berries of the chokeberry plant have a healthier effect. What is in aronia berries, we tell you here.

Aronia: healthy effect

The chokeberry was not only particularly suitable against high blood pressure, also drugs against capillary toxicosis, certain forms of gastritis and bleeding are obtained from the chokeberry. Furthermore, the chokeberry plant is used as a remedy for:

  • Allergies
  • Stomach complaints
  • Liver and biliary diseases
  • Children’s diseases

It also shows a positive effect on the immune system, blood formation and the regeneration of bone as well as muscle tissue.

Ingredients of chokeberry

The chokeberry plant is a versatile remedy, because it is a donor of:

  • Folic acid
  • Iron
  • Iodine
  • Provitamin A
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin-K
  • Flavonoids

Chokeberry protects against free radicals

Many diseases of our modern society are caused by unstable oxygen molecules, which we call free radicals. They affect cell metabolism and cause oxidative stress, which can lead to serious secondary diseases. It also accelerates the aging process. The chokeberry is rich in secondary plant substances that counteract all this. The free radicals are bound by the high content of antioxidants. Since free radicals can also influence the development of cancer, regular consumption of chokeberry can prevent cancer. Also, chokeberry is a remedy for damage caused by solar radiation and for skin diseases – even radiation sickness is treated with chokeberry. Thus, chokeberry has the potential to be an anti-aging elixir. Environmentally conscious people can also prevent arteriosclerosis and nerve damage by eating chokeberry. Sometimes the chokeberry is also said to have a positive influence on mental illness.

Aronia juice or aronia jam?

However, chokeberry has one small drawback: despite their relatively high sugar content, chokeberries have an acidic, tart taste, so many people prefer to drink chokeberry juice or spread chokeberry jam on their bread. Often the berries are combined with oranges for the jam. However, one should not overdo it: A glass of aronia juice diluted with water (aronia juice pure still has a relatively tart taste) daily is sufficient. Because with increased consumption also stomach problems can occur. Aronia berries contain a small amount of prussic acid, but consumption of small amounts is considered safe. The prussic acid content can be reduced by heating.

Other ways to use

Instead of water, aronia juice can be mixed with other fruit juices or enjoyed as lemonade by further processing. In their ground form, as a powder, they also often serve as an ingredient in smoothies. However, aronia berries can also be used dried (like raisins). In the Soviet Union, chokeberry was also used for processing sweets. Since ready-made products of chokeberry are rarely available in Germany, you can also try some chokeberry recipes yourself.

Recipes: Chokeberry milkshake and chokeberry ice cream.

For a chokeberry milkshake, this simple recipe is suitable:

  • 400 g chokeberry berries
  • 1 l whole milk
  • 200 g cream
  • Sweeten to taste with honey or sugar

The washed chokeberry berries are processed into a puree with a blender or blender. Pass the puree through a fine sieve, mix with stiffly whipped cream and milk. Beat everything again until frothy and sweeten to taste. This and other chokeberry recipes spice up any summer party; a refreshing chokeberry ice cream can also be conjured up from chokeberries, cream yogurt, egg yolks, powdered sugar and vanillin sugar. Small tip: the frozen chokeberry loses its intense tart flavor.

Origin of the chokeberry plant

Originally from eastern North America, the chokeberry plant came to Russia in the 19th century.Since the middle of the 20th century, it was also used for medicinal purposes in the then Soviet Union. Aronia berries are black with red flesh, pea-sized and are in season from mid-August to October. The berries are often used in the food industry as a red food coloring.