Associated symptoms | Pain in the lateral heel

Associated symptoms

The accompanying symptoms can vary with the cause and thus provide valuable information about the underlying problem. In case of tingling and weakness in the foot, nerve damage should be considered. Acute swelling and redness often indicate a bruise, but local inflammation is also conceivable if other signs of inflammation such as overheating and pain are added. Diseases of the bones and tendons are particularly characterized by the fact that the pain can be provoked by specific movements and external pressure.


The most important steps to a diagnosis are exact questioning and physical examination. Even if the causes appear to be numerous, the accompanying circumstances and exact symptoms can greatly limit the potential clinical pictures in advance. Further examinations can be carried out to confirm the individual suspected diagnoses. In the case of complaints of the bones and tendons, X-rays often provide further indications. In the case of acute inflammation and complaints in soft tissue, an MRI examination can also provide important information.


Treatment should always be decided together with an orthopedic surgeon in case of severe complaints. Many of the diseases of tendons and ligaments can be cured by a consistent and targeted protection and immobilization. The heel spur is also initially spared.

Afterwards, physiotherapy under professional guidance can eliminate the complaints in the long term. In rare cases, surgery can also be beneficial for complaints such as heel spur or peroneal tendon syndrome. Novel therapy methods using shock waves or X-rays are being researched but are not yet widely used.
