The diagnosis | Neurodermatitis of the hand

The diagnosis

The diagnosis begins with the anamnesis, i.e. the questioning of the patient. Here, we look at skin rashes that have already occurred, even in other parts of the body. In addition, one should also find out when the rash first appeared.

For many of them this is already the case in early childhood. Indications are also given for diseases such as asthma or allergic rhinitis (allergic rhinitis), since these diseases belong to the same group as neurodermatitis. In addition, it is important to ask about the profession of the person concerned, as certain professions favour the occurrence of neurodermatitis on the hands.

These include, for example, the hairdressing, nursing and healing professions or working as a cleaner. In addition, a family anamnesis is important, since neurodermatitis has a strong hereditary component. On the other hand, an allergy diagnosis is performed to find out what causes the rash on the hands. For example, a blood test, which may reveal an elevated IgE antibody level, can provide information about certain allergens: Often specific antibodies against, for example, house dust, pollen or pets are found. You can find more information about allergy diagnostics here.

The treatment

The treatment of neurodermatitis is very important. On the one hand, contact with triggering substances should be avoided.Furthermore, adequate skin care is an important part of neurodermatitis therapy to counteract dry skin. Antipruriginous agents against itching, so-called antipruriginosa, should also be used.

Antihistamines can be taken in case of severe itching at night. Antihistamines block the so-called messenger substance histamine, which causes the symptoms of swelling, redness and itching. Cortisone creams are essential to treat the acute inflammation of the skin.

However, they should not be used for too long, as cortisone makes the skin thinner. Phototherapy with UVB radiation can be used for moderate eczema of the hands. However, it should be noted that this therapy increases the risk of squamous cell carcinoma.

To prevent the outbreak of neurodermatitis on the hands, dry skin should be treated with creams. These include creams that are moisturizing or bind additional water. These creams are called emollents.

Creams containing cortisone are used to treat acute inflammation of the hand. Since the inflammation is difficult to reverse with other creams, cortisone therapy is an important component in the treatment of acute eczema. Polidocanol cream has an anaesthetic effect and can relieve itching.

Home remedies for neurodermatitis are mainly used to curb the itching, but can also increase the moisture of the skin and counteract dry skin. Aloe vera, for example, can alleviate itching through its cooling and skin-soothing effect. Gels containing aloe vera can be used for this purpose.

Apple vinegar has an anti-inflammatory effect and can also reduce itching. However, the vinegar should not be applied pure to the skin, but diluted with water (1 liter of what with a tablespoon of apple vinegar). Hyaluronic acid gel can help the skin bind more water and prevent dry skin.

Yoghurt and quark can also be applied to the hands, which also have a cooling and moisturizing effect. The yogurt or quark is washed off again after it has dried on the skin. St. John’s wort oil can soothe the skin areas affected by neurodermatitis.

Taking evening primrose oil in capsule form can also relieve the symptoms of neurodermatitis. Since there are many home remedies for the symptoms of neurodermatitis and not every home remedy helps all those affected, it is necessary to try out which home remedy provides individual relief. You can find more about household remedies for atopic dermatitis here.