Bank type lesion | Shoulder Pain

Bank type lesion

A bench type lesion is usually caused by a dislocation of the shoulder (dislocation) forward as a result of an accident. A Bankart lesion is a condition in which the so-called glenoid labrum of the glenoid cavity of the shoulder blade is partially or completely torn off. This joint lip actually stabilizes the glenoid joint in the socket and further dislocation of the shoulder can easily occur.

Often the bench type lesion is accompanied by a feeling of instability in the glenohumeral joint. From a Bankart lesion with shoulder pain are usually younger and athletically active people with an overmobile ligamentous apparatus. The acromioclavicular joint (acromioclavicular joint, AC joint, ACG) is the articulated connection between the upper end of the shoulder blade, called the shoulder height (acromion), and the outer end of the clavicle.

If wear and tear (arthrosis) occurs in this area, this usually results in a painful restriction of shoulder movement. The treatment of such ACG arthrosis is usually based on the individual complaints. In most cases, therapy is attempted with physiotherapy and physical applications (e.g. cold, electrotherapy).

If the shoulder pain is not sufficiently relieved and the movement restriction is not lifted, a resection of the AC joint can be considered. For this purpose, the joint surfaces are milled off and a kind of meniscus made of the body’s own material is placed between the joint surfaces.After such an operation, the shoulder can often be fully loaded again after only two months and is painless. A herniated disc of the cervical spine can also become noticeable with the symptom “shoulder pain“.

In a herniated disc, part of the disc protrudes into the spinal canal and may press on the spinal cord or nerve roots emanating from it. A herniated disc can occur without any external cause, but often an overload of already damaged discs is the cause of the prolapse. Typically, herniated discs occur in the lumbar spine and cause back pain that can radiate into the legs.

However, a herniated disc can also occur in the area of the cervical spine and cause severe pain in the shoulder area due to compression of the nerve roots, since the supplying nerves originate from the shoulder of the cervical spine. It is not advisable to stay in bed and take care of the shoulder in such a herniated disc. The therapy of shoulder pain consists much more of a drug-based pain therapy and subsequent physiotherapeutic exercise therapy.

Also heat therapy, Massagen and electrical therapy represent treatment possibilities. A surgical treatment of a slipped disc of the cervical spine is usually only indicated if the pain is no longer controllable on an outpatient basis or if neurological deficits occur. It is very rare that a herniated disc causing shoulder pain must be treated by surgery.

To prevent a herniated disc, a consistent muscle build-up of the back and shoulder muscles is advisable. Through gymnastic exercises or back-friendly sports (e.g. swimming, dancing, running, cycling) the back muscles can be strengthened and the pain alleviated. In addition, the intervertebral discs experience changing pressure loads during these sports, which is important for the supply of the intervertebral discs with nutrients.

An ergonomically correct workplace is also an important measure to prevent a slipped disc of the cervical spine (cervical spine). Static sitting positions should be avoided and attention should be paid to alternating pressure loads (e.g. standing, walking, sitting, etc. ).