Burning in the esophagus when swallowing | Burning in the esophagus

Burning in the esophagus when swallowing

If the burning pain of the esophagus occurs mainly during swallowing, it is probably not heartburn due to a reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus. It is more likely to have another cause, such as a viral or bacterial infection of the esophagus. This is particularly common in people with weakened immune systems, for example HIV-infected patients.

In addition, mechanical damage may also be present, for example if the patient has previously been fitted with a stomach tube. Chemical irritation can also occur if corrosive substances have been swallowed or if radiation therapy has been administered. Taking tablets with too little water can also lead to local irritation of the mucous membrane, which is noticeable as pain, especially when swallowed.

Burning in the esophagus after alcohol consumption

Especially after drinking alcohol, many people often complain about heartburn. One reason for this is that alcohol generally reduces muscle tone (tension in the muscle). This also applies to the sphincter muscle between the esophagus and stomach.

If this does not close properly, stomach acid will rise up into the esophagus, causing heartburn. On the other hand, alcohol itself is an acidic liquid and therefore irritates the mucous membrane of the oesophagus.This can also cause a burning pain. This applies not only to beverages with a high alcohol content, such as schnapps and liqueur, but also to beer, champagne and wine.

Every body reacts differently to alcohol. For some, half a glass of beer is enough to trigger heartburn. If the burning pain is clearly related to the consumption of alcohol, it should be avoided permanently

Burning in the esophagus when drinking warm drinks

Heartburn is different for every person and can be triggered by various factors. Warm drinks are perceived by some patients as painful and unpleasant, while others drink a glass of warm milk when heartburn occurs to relieve the symptoms. It is important to avoid very hot drinks, as they can additionally irritate the mucous membrane of the esophagus and cause pain. Since the tolerance level for pain varies greatly from person to person, some people find even warm drinks painful. This is especially the case with an already irritated esophageal mucosa