Homeopathy | Hay fever therapy


Homeopathy can provide relief for mild to moderate forms of hay fever. The therapy of hay fever with homeopathic remedies is very symptom-specific. This means that the individual affected person has to recognize his or her most impairing symptom and then choose the remedy.

For reddened and swollen eyes, globules with Euphrasia (eyebright) or Apis mellifica (honey bee) are suitable. If a runny nose is more in the foreground, the use of Luffa operculata globules is recommended. This pumpkin plant promises a significant relief from all kinds of rhinitis.

The potency to be used should be the D12 potency. The intake should be adjusted according to the severity of the symptoms. In the acute situation a healthy adult should therefore take about three globules every hour.

For milder symptoms it is sufficient to take three globules three times a day. In case of other existing diseases or when taking it for children, a pharmacist should be consulted when buying. As for many other therapies of alternative medicine, there is no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of Schüssler salts.

The Schüssler salts are different highly diluted salts. The following remedies are primarily intended to help against hay fever: Ferrum phosphoricum, Natrium chloratum and Arsenicum iodatum. In addition, other salts can be taken to support certain complaints.

Eye drops

Eye drops are applied locally by dropping them into the conjunctival sac of the eye. In the case of hay fever, the use of suitable eye drops promises an improvement of dry, reddened eyes, some of which can be light-sensitive. To achieve this effect, it is recommended to use allergy-specific preparations.

Eye drops containing an antihistamine such as Vividrin® eye drops contain azelastine as the active ingredient. They therefore promise a locally reduced release of the hormone histamine, which causes the impairing symptoms such as reddened conjunctiva or itching of the eye. Another alternative would be preparations with mast cell stabilizers such as eye drops containing cromoglicic acid.

They reduce the release of histamine and other signal substances from mast cells, so that they also reduce the inflammatory reaction. The use of eye drops containing cortisone should be reserved for severe forms of hay fever. In addition, cortisone should only be used for a short period of time, as side effects are to be expected with long-term use, even with local application. The dosage should be taken from the respective package insert.