Can the telomeres be influenced by nutrition? | Telomeres

Can the telomeres be influenced by nutrition?

Among some doctors and researchers, it is considered proven that nutrition influences the telomeres. Several studies have already been carried out on this, but some of them are controversial. A healthy diet should increase the activity of telomerase, so that the shortening of the telomeres during cell division occurs at a slower rate.

In addition, the telomeres should even be able to lengthen due to the high activity of the telomerase. The nutrition should be based on plant-based products if possible. A high supply of vitamins, which counteracts oxidative stress in the cells, is also important for influencing the telomeres through nutrition.

This results in less damage to the DNA double strand. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are abundant in fatty fish, should also have a positive effect. As with practically all prognoses, however, in addition to diet, sport and also less physical exercise have a positive effect on the length of the telomeres, which is why attention should also be paid to this.