Can this be done more often? | Shifting periods with the pill

Can this be done more often?

Although it is possible in principle to shift your period with the pill, you should not do this more often.In principle, conventional medicine does not recommend postponing the period. The hormonal cycle should be as regular as possible and it is not advisable to intervene in this cycle to postpone the period. It is possible to postpone your period once, but you should not postpone it more than once. In particular, one should not suppress a period for several months in a row. For changing the first day of bleeding, the principle that this is possible also applies, but you should try not to interrupt a regular intake rhythm by changing the day too often.

Critical evaluation

Postponing your period with the pill is possible and allows women to postpone a period completely or change the day of bleeding for a particular reason. However, careless use of hormone preparations should be avoided, as any intervention in the hormonal cycle can also lead to inter-bleeding and other complaints. Postponing bleeding once can be justified and in most cases does not pose a problem.

However, one should refrain from suppressing the menstrual bleeding for months. The probability of inter-bleeding then increases. In any case, it is advisable to seek individual advice from your gynaecologist in order to minimize the risk of errors in taking the medication or undesirable effects.