Candied Lemon Peel and Candied Orange Peel

Candied lemon peel and candied orange peel taste sweet and aromatic and can be found in every Christmas stollen and many types of gingerbread; however, they are also an ingredient in many breakfast cereals. The peel parts of these citrus fruits can be kept for a long time in a dry place in the kitchen cupboard due to the sugaring process. You can also make candied lemon peel and candied orange peel fresh yourself, but you don’t actually get either from commercial lemons or oranges.

It depends on the thick peel

Candied lemon peel is made from the thick-fleshed rind of the citrus lemon (Citrus medica). Originally from Southeast Asia, this citrus plant is now native to the Mediterranean region. The sparse pulp of its fruit, which can weigh up to 2 kg, is hardly ever used fresh. The yellowish-green to golden-yellow peel, on the other hand, is very popular with perfume manufacturers and is also used to make jam or liqueur. On supermarket shelves, citronate can also be found among baking ingredients under the name succade. Candied orange peel comes from the peel of the bitter orange or bitter orange (Citrus aurantium). This fruit grows in almost all subtropical regions of the world. The bitter orange is the result of a cross between the grapefruit and the tangerine. Its fruits taste vile when fresh. The fruit peel of the bitter orange is used not only in the production of candied orange peel, but also as the basis of the English bitter orange marmalade and some liqueurs. In addition, the essential oils contained in it are also used in the perfume industry.

Make candied orange peel and candied lemon peel yourself

To obtain candied orange peel or candied lemon peel, the citrus fruit must first be peeled. In the process, the white parts of the peel should be removed as completely as possible, as they contain bitter substances. Then the peels are boiled salt water, weighed and then put back into the pot together with sugar. As much sugar as peel should be used in the production of candied lemon peel and candied orange peel.

Together with the sugar and a little water, the peels are now left to simmer for an hour. At the end, the fruit peels have their typical glassy appearance. The peels are then removed from the pot and left to dry. This can take several days. Finally, the peels are then cut into cubes. In the supermarket or market, candied lemon peel and candied orange peel are sometimes sold in larger pieces. If they are on sale, you should choose the latter, because in them there is more flavor.

Small kitchen tip

If you do not like the taste of candied orange peel and candied lemon peel, you can easily replace these baking ingredients. Suitable for this purpose are, for example, baked fruit, dates, candied pineapple, dried sweet or sour cherries or ginger. The dried fruits can be soaked in tea, juice or rum for a few days before use.