Cause of pain bone | Pain at the front of the upper arm

Cause of pain bone

Rarely is the bone the cause of the pain in the front upper arm. On the one hand, painful changes can be caused by bone fractures, on the other hand by bone loss Painful changes can be caused by bone fractures, on the one hand, and bone loss (osteoporosis), on the other hand.

Cause of pain vessels

The fact that pain in the upper arm and also only in the front upper arm is caused by vessels is extremely rare and is then caused by circulatory disorders or blood clots (thrombi). As a consequence of both diseases, not enough blood and oxygen reaches the target areas. If this condition does not disappear quickly, pain occurs. Bottleneck syndromes occur during certain movements when muscles/tendons, nerves or vessels are constricted. These constrictions occur when certain points of passage, e.g. in the shoulder joint, become narrower as a result of movement, for example because a bone spur presses on the structures.In the case of pronounced forms of these bottleneck syndromes, surgery may be necessary to relieve the strain.

Cause of pain skin

Skin diseases, not only on the front upper arm but in general, can cause pain. In most cases, itching also occurs. These skin diseases can be triggered, for example, by a contact allergy of the skin or an infection with the varicella zoster virus (shingles).


The therapy of upper arm pain depends on the cause of the pain. Especially in the case of muscle pain caused by sore muscles, you can provide relief yourself by simple means such as massage or heat. First of all, in many cases painkillers that can be applied locally as an ointment or taken as tablets will help. In any case, it is important to consult a doctor if the pain does not subside on its own after a few days or if it is particularly strong and particularly restricts everyday life.