Causes and therapy | Pulling in the testicles

Causes and therapy

Epididymitis can radiate into the leg and is often very painful. The trigger is usually bacteria in an untreated cystitis that migrate into the epididymis. The symptoms of epididymitis are very similar to those of cystitis, but in addition there is often a strong feeling of illness with fever, pain and redness in the area of the testicles.

The testicles should be cooled and in any case be elevated. Various antibiotics can be given to treat the disease. A presentation to the doctor is advisable.

Also an inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis) can cause radiating pain in the thigh. This will be discussed further down in the text. A hydrocele is an accumulation of water in the testicles, which often worsens when the patient is standing or moving, as the water “sinks” more easily.

Actually the hydrocele is not threatening to the patient and rarely causes pain, but it can occur repeatedly. The testicle swells up due to water retention to a varying extent depending on the patient: The greater the swelling, the more pain is felt. Patients often experience a feeling of pressure and a slight pulling in the testicles.

If the hydrocele does not disappear on its own, surgery may be necessary. The special thing about the hydrocele is that it can be acquired or congenital. If it is congenital, it is usually noticed very early, in infancy or toddlers.

If the hydrocele is acquired, it can be caused by an inguinal hernia, violent trauma or testicular inflammation. Water can also be stored in the spermatic cord and epididymis. Pain in the testicles is often associated with back pain, which is often caused by a lopsided posture or tension.

Another reason for back pain and pulling in the testicles can also be a herniated disc in the lumbar spine, which can damage the nerves that supply the testicles. This can lead to pain or numbness that can be felt down to the testicles.The cause of a herniated disc in the lumbar spine is usually due to overstrain from sports or heavy physical work. A herniated disc is diagnosed by means of MRI of the lumbar spine or CT.

However, an inflammation of the testicles can also be accompanied by back pain:The cause here is often an infection, usually caused by bacteria or viruses, such as mumps virus. If bacteria are the cause of the inflammation, antibiotics are used for treatment. If mumps virus is the cause of the inflammation, this can lead to infertility.

The pain caused by the inflammation of the testicles often radiates into surrounding areas of the body, such as the back. It is important for the doctor to identify the inflamed testicles as the cause of the back pain. During sports, especially soccer or other ball sports, injuries to the testicles often occur.

These often cause a pulling in the testicles. If the pain after the injury is very strong, you should immediately consult a doctor to clarify the injury. An inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis) can also cause a pulling in the testicles.

Often the pain radiates into the leg and into the groin. Symptoms include pain before and after ejaculation, pain in the testicles and epididymis, frequent urge to urinate and pain when urinating. The inflammation often causes fever, chills and fatigue.

If bacteria have caused the prostatitis, it can be treated well with an antibiotic. The doctor will examine the ejaculate, prostate and urine. An ultrasound examination can also be revealing.

If left untreated, acute prostatitis can turn into chronic prostatitis. Since a bladder infection causes similar symptoms, the prostatitis must be distinguished from it during the examination. Pulling in the testicles can also cause so-called cavalier pain, which is pain after sexual arousal without subsequent ejaculation.

The testicles are often stained blue or red. During an erection, blood flows into the penis and testicles and remains in the penis and testicles without ejaculation, where it causes a pulling sensation. Additional cooling of the testicles is highly recommended to relieve the pain.

When coughing or in general when under stress, testicles may hurt or pull if the patient suffers from an inguinal hernia. A characteristic feature of an inguinal hernia is an outwardly visible protrusion due to the protrusion of contents from the abdominal cavity through the inner connective tissue sheet that borders the abdominal cavity. Through these openings, parts of the intestine can become dangerously trapped, therefore a doctor should be consulted if an inguinal hernia is suspected.

The inguinal canal runs in close proximity to the testicles and carries the spermatic cord, as well as nerves that innervate the testicles. This is the reason why an inguinal hernia also affects the testicles and can cause a pulling in the testicles. An inguinal hernia can be treated surgically.

However, if surgery is not possible, there is still the possibility of a hernia band, a kind of corsage for the groin. If a severe inguinal hernia is not treated, parts of the intestine can become so trapped that they die, which is life-threatening! The causes can be heavy physical work and strain or a congenital weakness in the abdominal wall.

A possible cause of pulling into the testicles while sitting is testicular cancer. This is a type of cancer that particularly affects young men and is a malignant disease. The disease usually causes no symptoms at first, but is only noticeable by a swelling with palpable nodules in the testicles.

For early detection it is important to regularly examine yourself. If a lump or swelling is felt, a visit to a doctor is strongly recommended. The swelling is often accompanied by a pulling into the testicles.

Very rarely, the male breasts also start to grow, as the tumor produces female hormones. The most important therapy is surgery. It is almost always performed when there is a chance of a cure.

Often either one testicle or in very rare cases both testicles are removed. If only one testicle is removed, the patient’s fertility is not reduced. If both testicles have to be removed, it is possible to freeze the semen.

In almost all cases, chemotherapy is administered in addition to the operation to eliminate all cancer cells. Again, the earlier the cancer is detected and treated, the better the chances of recovery.If metastases have already formed in the surrounding organs, the therapy is already more difficult.