Duration of nerve inflammation


Inflammation of the nerves is usually painful and restrictive, which is why you want to get well again as soon as possible. The duration of a nerve inflammation is very variable and depends on various factors such as location and cause of inflammation. An early start of therapy is always recommended. It shortens the duration of the symptoms and has a positive effect on the prognosis.

How long does nerve inflammation generally last?

It is not possible to make a blanket statement about the duration of a nerve inflammation, since many different diseases can be considered as triggers. Furthermore, the localisation of the inflammation influences the healing process. Of course, the other physical condition of the affected person also plays a decisive role.

In principle, however, it can be said that an early start of treatment and consistent therapy have a positive effect on the course of the disease. In multiple sclerosis, inflammation of the nerves occurs repeatedly. However, with today’s therapeutic options, the inflammation of the nerves can be treated better.

In other diseases where nerve inflammation occurs, such as Guillain-Barre syndrome, the inflammation heals within a few weeks to months. A similar duration can be seen in vestibular neuritis – an inflammation of the vestibular nerves, which is accompanied by severe rotational vertigo. For other causes of nerve inflammation, even a few days of successful therapy can be sufficient for a cure.

Duration of sick leave

The duration of the sick leave depends on the cause and extent of the nerve inflammation. In addition, the extent to which the person affected is restricted by the inflammation and the extent to which he or she is able to pursue his or her profession at all is decisive. A construction worker can possibly be on sick leave longer than a secretary because of the nerve inflammation. The doctor must decide individually how long a sick leave is appropriate. In addition, the individual course of the illness influences the duration of the sick leave.

Measures to reduce the duration

It is important to consult a doctor as early as at the onset of symptoms, as early therapy has a positive effect on the course of the disease. It goes without saying that the doctor’s therapy instructions should then be followed. Attention should be paid to the correct intake of medication and the keeping of physiotherapy appointments.

It is also important to give the body sufficient rest so that it can concentrate on fighting the inflammation. This also includes avoiding stress and other psychological strain. Last but not least, patience is needed to recover completely and not to strain yourself again too early. Depending on the cause of the inflammation, other measures can also promote the healing process.